What the… it turns out there are even more of these things out there! Nobody seems to know where they started, but reader Spritz was able to… wait for it…….. DIG SOME MORE UP.
Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 30, 2010 · 2:26 AM |
Categories: Artistic, Atari, Capcom, Grand Theft Auto, Kirby, Mega Man, Namco, Nintendo, Okami, Retro, Rockin' Out, Rockstar, Sony, Super Mario Bros, Team Ninja, The Great Outdoors, Uncategorized · Leave a comment () 35 Comments |
aww i was half way expecting to see a picture of RockMan under megaman (I know megaman is the same as rockman)
submissions today just KEEPS ON ROCKING
I don't think Kirby is a rolling stone
…. I think I'm bad at this.
just wait for a tank to come by, and rock chuck it!
Okay, no more rocks for me today.
…Now excuse me while I drink my Rolling rock.
What, no Pokémon version yet?
*piano intro*
*slides into view in underwear* (HA. Try getting THAT image out of your head)
(lip sink)
Just take those old records off the shelf
I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself
Today's music ain't got the same soul
I like that old time rock 'n' roll!!!
And that's my rock joke for the evening. Thank you.
Man, these many rock submissions feel like coke. I'm afraid I might get stoned.
DOA4 one should've been DOAExtreme.
I'll have a whiskey on the rocks.
I swear, these Halolz submissions just keep getting boulder and boulder.
Virtual Boy rock makes my eyes bleed.
Looks like your puns are as hard as rocks
Rock on.
That's it.
The quality of submissions on this site has hit rock bottom
These pictures rock…
…Am I doing it right?
Dr. Light must be behind these submissions.
I mean, he created Rock and Roll! :D
Looks like the video game world…
…just got rocked.
I suppose we used to take the better posts for "granite" but even I don't think that Shawn has the "stones" to re-post something a third time… except maybe courage Kratos, but we don't want to go down that "rocky" road again…
I thought it was done after the first pic, but I guess you can't stop the rocks.
This once more shows not to give up unless things get hard!
Why'd you use that one?
Rockman X is better.
The penis rock returns
The guy who made this must've been really STONED.
I guess when he hit ROCK bottom in life he decided to make some ROCKEN pictures.
(I fail hard at this)
the kirby rock is definitely the best rock
Do a barrel roll!
…where's megaman himself? i mean his name IS Rock for crying out loud!
This submission: ROCKS!