There’s a reason they muted out all that polite clapping… some of it is just WEIRD.
A new GrumpOut video submitted by Raguio

Posted by Shawn Handyside on February 27, 2015 · 3:53 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (7 votes, average: 4.43 out of 5)
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Capcom, Donkey Kong, Earthbound, F-Zero, Game & Watch, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Mega Man, Metroid, Namco, Nintendo, Pac-Man, Pikmin, Punch Out, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, StarFox, Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Video Clips, WarioWare, Wii U, Yoshi's Island

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I bet he’ll be a real hit with the ladies. GET IT?

Posted by Fred "Trunks" Wood on February 13, 2014 · 5:44 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (27 votes, average: 4.85 out of 5)
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Aerial Maneuvers, Animated, Artistic, Metroid, Nintendo, Punch Out, Super Smash Bros

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I don’t care what Brent’s evil tophatted doppelganger thinks, those hours were well spent! Well okay, not really… I’d love to get those hours of my life back if I could!
Submitted by smashpro1

Posted by Shawn Handyside on May 23, 2011 · 5:06 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (228 votes, average: 3.90 out of 5)
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Achievement Unlocked, Bad Grammer, Capcom, Castlevania, Disguises, Final Fantasy, Foreign Object, Gentlemen, Hudson Soft, Kirby, Konami, Mega Man, Musical, NES, Nintendo, Punch Out, Retro, Square Enix, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Too Much Free Time, Uncategorized, Video Clips

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Some people like a challenge. Not me though, I like my games nice and easy!
By CollegeHumor

Posted by Shawn Handyside on February 13, 2011 · 5:01 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (223 votes, average: 4.73 out of 5)
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Aliens, Arcade, Atari, Bad Ideas, Contra, Genesis, Heavy Weapons, Kickin' It, Konami, Mario Kart, Mii's, Mortal Kombat, Moving Violations, Namco, NES, Nintendo, Overkill, Pac-Man, Pong, Punch Out, Racing, Rare, Retro, Secret Items, Sega, Smashy Smashy, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Space Invaders, Taito, Teamwork, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Wii, Williams/Midway

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This is a thing that exists on the internet.
By GV03, found by Erik [NerdFit]

Posted by Shawn Handyside on February 10, 2011 · 8:41 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (293 votes, average: 4.14 out of 5)
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Gameboy, NES, Nintendo, Obnoxious, Pokémon, Punch Out, TV Shows, Video Clips, Weird

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The minions weren’t really reading the company-wide memos, so it’s time for the big bosses to hold a meeting within each of their divisions. Attendance… mandatory!
By CollegeHumor

Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 11, 2010 · 7:16 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (243 votes, average: 4.63 out of 5)
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Aliens, Arcade, Capcom, Castlevania, Contra, Donkey Kong, Genesis, ID Software, Kirby, Konami, Mega Man, Metroid, NES, Ninjas, Nintendo, PC, Punch Out, Retro, Sega, Serious Business, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Wars, Super Mario Bros, Teamwork, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Zero Wing

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Falcon… PUNCH-OUT!!

The falcon punch… it’s so goddamn strong it can knock out King Hippo without punching him in the belly!
By Digiholic

Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 19, 2009 · 3:14 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (276 votes, average: 4.29 out of 5)
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Cray-Z Crossovers, F-Zero, FALCON PAAAANCH, Fists of Fury, Head Shot, Nintendo, Punch Out, Special Attacks, Sports, Super Smash Bros, Wii

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First I lol’d Then I serious’d

I like the new Punch Out game and all… but what’s the deal with King Hippo? I mean where the hell is his nose? Seriously!
By Ty Gocuan

Posted by Shawn Handyside on May 25, 2009 · 4:47 AM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (167 votes, average: 3.71 out of 5)
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Extreme CloseUp, Nintendo, Punch Out, Serious Business, Sports, Wii

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