Auf Wiedersehen… Schweinehunds!
By Lexxy

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Categories: Artistic, Foreign Object, Sequential Art, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment () 85 Comments ![]() |
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Like a Blitzkreig. Only In Russian.
..Which would be Молния войны.
These jokes are Reichdiculous.
[youtube pgLOFLPqSTw rel="nofollow"> youtube]
[youtube 2qkSxJ1ohCk rel="nofollow"> youtube]
He is quite the dance instructor also
Awww they missed his best line. Oktoberfest!
[youtube JE1J34PxGX8 rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Also sorry if you don't like it was easiest video to find of Medic's Oktoberfest!
The best part is, they're all real.
From the author:
Vorstellungskraft -- Imagination
Schmetterling -- Butterfly
Die Streicheleinheit -- Tender love and care, literally “the caress”
Schwangerschaftverhütungsmittel -- Contraceptive
Krankenschwester -- “Sick sister”, or Nurse
Stück Kuchen- Cake/piece of cake
Erfrischungsgetränke- Soda/soft drink
Aufschluchzen -- to sob
<img src="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/019/a/f/tf2_rp__one_smart_medic_by_crystal124-d37l8gk.jpg" height="100%" width="100%">
Yay! Now I can finally say something in german that isn't verbally accosting someone!
…….I have NO idea what he's saying…
It's things like this that make me want to learn German.
It's okay, Medic. We all may not speak the same languages, but we all know the universal language of bullets, food, and post-bullet sexy-times.
Wait, disregard that last one.
<img src="http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/271/862/faa.jpg" length="400" width="400"> I never thought I'd ACTUALLY use this meme. Huh. Small world.
…but…we can still save the witty comment ;_;
Vhy did ze fuher get kicked out of preschool?
Because he vasn't kind enough…
(Kind is the german root for child, kinder being the full noun.)
That heavy has a pretty big ear….
You. Dammit. I wanted to catch you when you were at 106 so we would be exact opposites.
Either you or I need to lose 2.
Next, Medic teaches economics.
Ok, maybe not …
Don't trust them Medics.
[youtube n1wwQNEzi_8 rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Adding on to the explanation for a few:
Vorstellungskraft — Imagination (Lit. trans. “imaginative power”)
Schwangerschaftverhütungsmittel — Contraceptive (Lit. trans. “pregnancy prevention means/remedy)
Erfrischungsgetränke- Soda/soft drink (Lit. “refreshment drink”)
Deutsch ist eine farbenfrohe und verwirrende Sprache!
(German is a colorful and confusing language.)
Confusingly enough, German has 4 different words for doctor…
Pointing out that the hyphenation in "Streicheleinheit" should be streichel-einheit would be rather, well, grammar-nazi style, wouldn't it?
And it's "Kuchen", not "Kutchen". D:
and ubermench is…
Ja, neue einreichung!*
*i realize i may sound more like the Medic, than an actual german-speaking person now.
I thought the last one was Imagination because of medic's hand gestures.
Well, there's "Quacksalber", which is derogatory and offensive. And awesome.
De hecho no, no lo us--
>doctor pelusa
Disculpa, acabo de cagarme de la risa por lo raro que suena en español todo es--*AH-HEM* Excuse me!