But in all fairness, Windows Solitaire had a more exciting ending than most video games I’ve played.
Submitted by Darth_Destro

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Categories: BioWare, Electronic Arts, Mass Effect, Microsoft, Motivational, PC, Retro, Uncategorized ![]() · Leave a comment () 102 Comments ![]() |
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This is true…….Kinda reminds me of the time I got a windows error and it played the song Flowering Night.
I don't understand why people are crying over the ending. I think it was badass. It brought everything full-circle, especially on how my decisions affect the outcome.
Oh look, it's that poster again. It's like it's stalking me or something.
To the people still sulking from the ending
<img src=http://i46.tinypic.com/rjl0yr.jpg>
It's still meaningless to the colorblind.
… I got nothing.
Here, have Garrus and Legion. http://static.tumblr.com/cbpunie/qh9m10lx7/25.gif
The salarian knew. That's why he was playing solitaire instead of doing his job by selling us virtual porn or fish like the other vendors on the citadel .
That is fantastic!
Suddenly, cards.
Hundreds of cards.
wait a minute
aren't they coming out with a new ending?
Yeah, that's not saying much. That Solitaire ending *sniff* gets me every time.
I have to disagree… see, I'm the kind of person who likes to see every bit of green covered up upon completion of solitare…
This is even more of a disappointment.
Whatever ending the third Mass Effect has, I assure you, given every Gainax anime that's not Gunbuster and MAYBE Fooly Cooly, it probably isn't as bad as any of them.
And then the cards were indoctrinated.
You spelled "Than" wrong.
Mass effect three's ending is still a better story than twilight.
<img src=http://data.whicdn.com/images/11841029/im-just-saiyan-dbz_large.png>
But the ending could get a little better.
Also has much more replay value! I've played it over a thousand times trying to get the 100% screen-covered ending! Always makes me tear up c':
Grammar alert, Better Ending THAN Mass Effect 3.
I can't believe how OCD I am today.
I rember the first time I beat solitare, and I was little.
This was the most epic moment of my life up until then.
Hey the first time I saw the solitaire ending I was utterly amazed.
My god I just realized something. This is the new mass effect meme.
Found something bad… say it's better than than the mass effect 3 ending.
Mean but most likely true. Brilliant
Ahh, the mighty adventures of Soli Tare! I have spent many hours conquering those lands.
Eh, I got nothing better to do.
<img src="http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/18832160.jpg">
<img src='http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/18832402.jpg'>
Yeah I'm just going to keep poking fun at this until people shut up about it.
<img src='http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/18832718.jpg'>
<img src='http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/18832834.jpg'>
<img src='http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/18832943.jpg'>
Well, that's all the mediocrity I can do for today. Ta-ta!
For people who is looking for a better rel="nofollow"> ending.
We all know Bioware can't write endings :<, their endings are like 5 seconds long >.>.
I'm real happy for you solitaire, and I'mma let you finish, but Minesweeper had the greatest ending of ALL TIME!
<img src="http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/12772000/ngbbs465f46b3807f2.jpg">
Glad Bioware never wrote Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter
<img src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/283/863/8f0.jpg">
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/270/606/13a.jpg">
good lord PLEASE do not lets this be the new 'still a better love story than twilight'
Some of you are laughing ironically but most of you forget that when you were a kid and you finally figured out how solitaire worked and beat it, you thought this ending was amazing.
So am I seriously the only person who liked the ending to ME3??
If you thin about it… It does make sense.
Solitair lets you see what happenes as the result of you placing all the cards down.
Mass effect 3 doesn't.
Even dragon age (first one) told you the results of your actions!
Your gun is the gun that will pierce the heavens!