Makes you wonder how many students in this class tried to call in sick to play Portal 2 on launch day! Either way you have to hand it to the professor for calling them on it!
Found by MuffinKirby

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Categories: Apple, Incoming Transmission, Off Duty, Portal, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment () 94 Comments ![]() |
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The prof canceled class…
for science!
You just know he cancelled it so he could play Portal as well.
While he seems nice on the outside, that professor is secretly engineering lemons to burn down your house with.
I too was "sick" that day.
I ended up missing the memo that I had an AP Calculus and an AP Government quiz the next day and completely bombed both quizes.
Was it worth it?
Hell yeah!
I dunno what you're talking about, teacher, but I'm doing science and I'm still alive.
Did I also mention that I feel fantastic and I'm still alive?
We're just cancelling class for Portal 2. Clearly anyone who disagrees is a fun barring monster.
This was a triumph.
<img src="http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/9/9e/HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW.jpg" alt="" />
Your test results say you are a horrible person. That’s what it says. You’re a horrible person. We weren’t even testing for that.
"Your test results say you are a horrible person. That's what it says. You're a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."
Look at the bottom of the picture.
Pink shoes.
There's a hole in the sky… through which I can fly.
I still have my free legit Portal 1 thx for CoF forum, but didn't finish it…
My brain is not smart enough to solve all the puzzles.
Wonder how hard Portal 2 is…
I have a lot of negative things to say about my school district, but one thing they got right…
Spring break started this week. I was able to beat Portal 2's single player the day it came out :D
He has to test! So tomorrow, there will be a test. It will be about science.
What kind of science?
Aperture Science of course!
April 19th, 2011, is the day that Skynet, a malevolent murderous AI, goes online.
April 19th, 2011, is the day that Portal 2, a game featuring Glados, a malevolent murderous AI, is released.
I'll just leave this little tidbit of info here………….
Bog blast it, why are my teachers not that awesome?
How come I don't own Portal 2 yet?
*Looks at bank account*
Oh yeah… Shogun 2, Okamiden, the 3DS, Pokemon White, Dragon Age II….
Curse you 2011 for releasing the awesome games (or lets say the hyped ones) so early!
Guess I will have to go with Portal 1 and A LOT of custom Maps :P
It's obviously fake. You could never get a full signal bar with AT&T…
Sorry teach, but they told me if I ever miss out on Portal 2 I'll die.
I think that instead of sending the notes to each of his students, he should convert them into a series of talking potato batteries… but with voices set on scornful
It took me about 6 hours 40 minutes to complete single-player mode the day of the release, and at the same day in the evening I played with friend to do the co-op mode and we finished chapters 1 through 4 before we went to bed.
The next day we did chapter 5 and by then we both burned through most of portal 2 in a bit over a day.
I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Hope this happens when Skyrim comes out…
And lo and behold, this became known as the "portalitis epidemic", and no cure has been made to this day…
Irony: I only had one lecture that day. I made it to said lecture due to the re-installation of Portal 2. I think steam has it in for me, first I had to reinstall, then I didn't get my Super Meat Boy reward… life is cruel
"I have already have had several…" Really hope this person wasn't an English teacher.
Edit: Curses html fail!
Even though the teacher called their bluff, for the students this was a triumph.
Nearly all of the last Portal related posts I've seen on Reddit days ago.
*puts on hipster glasses*
Hooray for viral marketing! But seriously, what if he was the teacher? Now, wouldn't the situation be entirely different?
It doesn't matter that he canceled class, I still had to do Testing
Honesty is for people who don't have game-friendly professors.
You know this game came out on my birthday. my golden birthday actually. so you can imagine my surprise when I actually DID get cake. and not once but TWICE.
Did someone call in sick from Halolz submissions?
They won't let me take tests at my school, because my tenacity is at the 99th percentile. My proctor noted that I am abnormally stubborn. I never give up. EVER.
This is strange. They told me if I commented on halolz, I would die!
3 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 DAAAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 DAAAAAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 DAYS since the last post.
Hmmmm, it's been 3 days since last post… Is Shawn playing Portal 2?
*checks Steam* StacMaster-S Last Online: 3 days ago
I guess not…
Wait, what's this…
Anime Boston
April 22nd-24th
They don't have internet in Boston or something?