Every level 3 hyper combo in Marvel vs Capcom 3? I came.
Also as an added bonus, all the character specific smack talk taunts!
[via ScrewAttack]

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Every level 3 hyper combo in Marvel vs Capcom 3? I came.
Also as an added bonus, all the character specific smack talk taunts!
[via ScrewAttack]
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78 Responses to “[VIDEO] Marvel vs Capcom 3 – Hyper Combo Finishes”
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"MAGNETO… WELCOME… TO DIE!" /awesome face under the mask
Wait… did Iron man just hit on Tronn Bonne?
Ok, Deadpool's Hyper combo, has to be the Funniest most 4th wall breakingest hyper combo ever.
Aww, c'mere puppy!
Did Tony just try to hit on Tron Bonne?
Dude she's a teenager.
Your hats on fire!
oh lol
So what characters are you guys gong to play?
probably going to be Wesker, X-23 and Zero for me.
Dead pool is now my favorite mvc3 character.
Huh Deadpool likes Street Fighter eh?
<img src="http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/876/deadpoolshoryuken.jpg" height="85%" width="85%">
The videos lacked a little Viewtiful Joe, in my opinion :(
Deadpool; because why use swords, guns or super power when you can beat him with your own combo bar?
did anyone notice that it was the guy who did ichigo in english bleach and sasori in english naurto who did Zero's voice?
Issun with no VA = So many smack talking moments missed :( (he's the little pervert green guy jumping around Ammy in her intro BTW).
And Shawn, those are not all the smack talking intros, there's a handful missing, and probably some we still don't know about.
I just came. Twice. While sitting on a wall. Eating ramen. And playing Tatsunoko V.S Capcom.
This is the hy-per cooombooo! This is the hy-per cooomboo!
W-wait a minute…
2:57… Is that…?
<img src="http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8914/zeroaxl.png" />
…Zero in Axl's colors…
OK, haven't posted in a few months, and not going to bother with a joke
Anyway, is anyone else here getting MvC3 for 360? if you are and have xbox live add me
Gtag: Badonk529
I was never quite sure if I was interested in Fighting games. I think I'll get MvC3…I missed Okami.
Note to self: Consider Street Fighter IV (put down that mace)
Edit: Disregard everything I said. I'm getting MvC3….I just witnessed what Deadpool did…
I came…
Zero's Level 3 Hyper = Getsuga Tenshou!
Oh Deadpool, you glorious, fourth-wall breaking bastard.
"Welcome to die!" HA.
Also, Hulk's trash talk to Iron Man: he may as well called him a baby man and throw a Payload cart at him.
Additionally…. Felicia. What an adorable airhead.
Damn, Amaterasu has a mean taunt! They're really gonna just take that?
does anyone else notice there was no MODOK?……..
Okay, my mother-in-law gave me a Best Buy gift card for Christmas that I have been saving for Dragon Age II. After watching this, I'm actually going to use it on MvC3, and I hate fighting games.
deadpool, tron, and felicia… never has a game needed to be bought more then MvC3 ('cept maybe duke nukem, but if it beats taht it was a close call)
No Shuma-Gorath tentacle rape on Tronne Bonne?
I am displeased.
Wait wait wait… are you telling me that Johnny Young Bosch voices TWO people who are named Zero!
Did that Last Finish look like a Falcon punch embodiment?
Am I the only one seeing the TF2-Slash.net ads on the page?
Love how it seems like the Chris vs. Wesker taunt was supposed to be a CSI: Miami reference
"It's time," *pause to adjust glasses* ",to close the book on us."
Akuma AND Wesker on the same team?
yeah, you're fucked.
How did the Super Skrull knew Chris fought zombies?