We all wanted Phoenix Wright in Marvel vs Capcom 3… but how well can you really expect a lawyer to fare in a fighting game with the worlds most powerful heroes and villains?
Then again in part 2 of the comic you may find that some lawyers are tough enough for a street fight!
More awesome comics by Matsu-sensei, submitted by Freddy Trunk-Trunks

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Categories: Artistic, Awkward Moments, Capcom, Cray-Z Crossovers, Failure, Phoenix Wright, Robots, Sequential Art, Serious Business, Smashy Smashy, Special Attacks, Strike A Pose, Superheroes/Supervillains, Uncategorized ![]() · Leave a comment () 64 Comments ![]() |
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Haven't we already been over this?
EDIT: And this thread at the bottom of the page as well.
Yours is the finger that will object to the heavens!
That is a stupid idea. Now Pierre from Chrono Trigger on the other hand…
Sure we can have Deadpool beating people up with his own lifebar, giant robot fighting knight in underpants, but we can't have devastating "OBJECTION" attack because that's just silly right?
(after reading part 2)
"Mia who?"
I'm sure Mega Man can sympathize with this.
Why dont he just "Object"?
I fought the law and uh, the robots with lasers won.
I would feel bad watching him get slaughtered.
So simply put, pheonix's secret ability is when he's ko'd he sues the opponent and wins the round. This just makes pheonix more of an obvious choice to be in mvc3
OBJECTION! Your honor, It seems that I've already presented the evidence that contradicts this statement: rel="nofollow">
Of course you would have probably thought of all this… *slams desk and points* IF YOU DID ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAMES! TAKE THAT! *cue music* rel="nofollow">
also inb4Fox,CaptainFalcon,Game&WatchandROBneverhaduniquemovesorfoughtuntilsmashbros
To think, more people would have Pheonix Wright get this treatment than OJ's lawyer.
I guess you could say that…
…he didn't get the point.
Good friend Shawn Handyside, who's YOUR team in MVC3? Mine's Spencer, Thor, and Deadpool.
I'm telling you, he's got all the moves he needs!!! He can use intimidation, (OBJECTION!!!), stop time (HOLD IT!!!) and he just needs to USE THE BRIEFCASE!!!
<img src="http://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/halolz-dot-com-phoenixwright-realattorneys.jpg">
Phoenix Wright shaking hands with Captain America?
Bad. Ass.
I am a robot.
Your objections are invalid.
It should be noted that both Umbrella and Abstergo lawyers are adequately trained to handle situations like this. Hell, they've managed to survive 8 years with Ace and me. I'm pretty sure by this point they could take on a demigod and the fight be considered fair, and then win the ensuing (ha, snuck that one in without even realizing it) court battle for their actions, even with 15 or so witnesses that testify against them. They've had a lot of practice with that.
Avengers Arrest 'em!
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt. :3
You can say that Phoenix is Right after all..
A combination of Yaoi, large amounts of money (to buy up all merchandise they can), and internet access. I'm also told something about a nervous system and a second X chromosome, but I've yet to verify, as while I've already crossed the Moral Even Horizon, I've still got this charming nature to my sociopathy that doing lethal experimentation on teenage girls for the sake of mad science would destroy, which would lose me funding due to the fact that would no longer be a good investment as a mad scientist (due to the fact that I'd be more at risk to being taken out by heroes and thus less likely to have my research pay off).
Yes, evil has a bureaucracy. Who do you think invented it?
Bad day…
And just recently in the Galactus reveal trailer, Galactus counters Ryu's Shoryuken with a finger point.
*notices who he has to fight*
This is what happens when you put back in the most broken hated and used tier team in MVC2! Now my team of Wesker, Ammy, and Zero is going to fight wave apon endless wave of tier happy noobs with Storm, sentinal, and magneto and get my ass kick… AGAIN! *falcon punches Capcom in the gut*
The same as how can openers work…..
I think…..
Mr. Robot gave Mr. Wright a rel="nofollow">BOOT TO THE HEAD!
Looks like he did get in the game. rel="nofollow">Link