In case you didn’t hear, our PS3’s were rendered unplayable by a recent bug… hence this commercial parody!
Submitted by Adosta

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Categories: Animated, Failure, Playstation, Serious Business, Sony, Systems ![]() · Leave a comment () 83 Comments ![]() |
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Can't let you play those, PS3 games.
OBJECTION! Why would someone turn on their PS3? BECAUSE THE PS3 HAS NO GAMES!
I heard about this after the fact. I didn't experience this problem.
It's a conspiracy! Sony wanted the all the Playstation 3 to turn back to 31/12/1999 so they could cause the millenium bug!
Though mine didn't do it. I have a wolf sticker on it.
at least i just lost Uncharted 2 trophies.
*PS3 goes to a bar*
PS3: "Hey baby, wanna let me buy you a drink?"
Girl: "Ummm… no thanks…"
Everyone know RED-ray is better.
A bunch of PS3's get done in by a single bug… and yesterday, I dropped my Wii down a flight of stairs. It tumbled down, then impacted a wall. No damage to the Wii or the disc. I love Nintendo consoles.
On March 1st 2010 the PS3 could not be used at all.
So… it was like every day then?
But can it do your mom?
Sony has finally done it they beat Xbox in something. so let me be the first to say it congratulations you out did the red ring of dead with the play station grave yard. so now the big question what is Sony going to do next?
The incredible thing is someone noticed
Noes! Now Sony's masterplan goes to failure! Time to get Dr. Willy to make them an awesome stage to distract their minds!
Wait, wasn't that what it was intended for? Dangit, I guess using it as a fitness machine for my hamster also wasn't supposed to happen then… *runs off to get hamster out of the DVD-drive*
Just you wait untill Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo cooperate to create the Nintenboxstation720! It'll outdo every single system in this galaxy and cause world peace (due to mass suicide, but that's just an ignorable detail)
nice, unfortunately i dont get an achievement unless i get +10 on a single comment
Ask roflcopter419 to use his geass to command at least 7 people in +1ing you!
It might under normal circumstances, but I can't let you be immune.
Too bad it only works once per comment thread.
It does nothing, therefore, you get NOTHING! You LOSE! Good day, sir!
Well if you didn’t think the ps3 was an overpriced price of crap before, you should now
not my problem, im still going to play Final Fantasy XIII when it comes out >:3
Thankfully, my PS3 was in Tennessee getting repaired from it's second yellow light of death!
Must….resist…urge….to make…snide…Xbox player comment….
True, wii’s can take a lot of damage but if you put a sd card in the wrong way it destroys the slot (yes, this happened to me. Do I hate my little sister for It, hated her as much as I did when she used a pen on my ds instead of the stylus)
This is why the PS3 slim is great on so many levels.
YEAH! Take that PS- …… *looks at Xbox 360*………..sigh…..
And all my friends thought I should buy this instead of my x-box 360. IN YOUR FACE I SAY TO THEM! In one word FAIL!!!!! Just because I said that I'm probably going to turn on my xbox only to find the Red Ring Of Death.
omg lol, I thought of something on the same lines as this and you actually made it look like a part of it, awesome job +5.
come on guys, don't hate the player, hate the games
wait……. what games