Oh God… so awful! I’m only surprised Castlevania:SOTN wasn’t able to grab a top fifty spot! But still, who can forget Dr. Light with the Elmer Fudd voice? I mean, I’m still trying!
Found by Scott

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Categories: Acclaim, Activision, Audio Clips, Capcom, Cooking Mama, Cover Art, Dreamcast, Failure, Hudson Soft, Incoming Transmission, Konami, Mega Man, Namco, Nintendo DS, Playstation, Resident Evil, Sega, Sony, Square Enix, Taito, The Legend of Zelda, TurboGrafx16, Ubisoft, Uncategorized, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 64 Comments ![]() |
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Be vewwwwy quiet, I'm huntin' fow mavericks.
"When we frind dat metewe, we find doctor Wowwy!"
Oh, man.
And the award for best redemption after awful voice acting goes to Grandia II, mainly for having The Little Mermaid play Millenia's voice.
Evil Zone…Anyone besides me actually remember playing that game? most of the voice acting wasnt that bad…
I'm surprised Richard's: "Chris….This House is too dangerous. There are terrible demons. ouch." Didn't make a spot.
"Mankind mussst livfffffffff…….fffffff…"
Shenmue II… bad voice acting aside, I had fun playing that game. I also noticed about how 80% of the bad voice acting was either Playstation or Playstation 2
i think that guy at the end had a slow leak
Dear god, listening to all that bad voice acting nearly drove me insane.
WE DID IT! WE DEACTIVATED. THE BOMB…. You are NOT William Shatner!
Oh god, 5 was hilarious!
"Hii, what a cute boy. Interested in my body, aren't you?"
"Not interested."
"Ohh, you're into THAT"
"I like girls. But now… It's about justice."
i think number 36 (star ocean 2) was Ashton Anchors using Tri-Ace. (yes, an attack named after the developing company)
im sorry ashton, but you always get the worst of luck.
BTW the rest of the voice acting in the game were good for that time
i think number 36 (star ocean 2) was Ashton Anchors using Tri-Ace. (yes, an attack named after the developing company)
word, that one was hilarious XD
What, only two Dynasty Warriors quotes?
Just one thing to say…
40 made me crack up.
"I have to stay alive and write this article before I die"
Who said videogames didn't make sense? =b
Man, they look like they were made like that on pourpose to make you laugh!
"let me be your oponent… nao"
"I doooont belieeeeve in maaaaagiiic"
"I love you… much than anyone else… much much more"
"Before you die I'm going to tell you a little secret just to make it so you don't want to die"
and the winner is:
"… mankind must livefffffffff… ffffffffffffff"
“Tom left a message; he wrote it on the floor in his own blood.”
“In his blood? Way to go kid!”
These clips make "they're eating her and then they're going to eat me OH MY GOOOOOOD" seem… well seem slightly better… oh who am I kidding still just as awful
I definately would have enjoyed MM8 WAY more if they hadn't totally screwed up the voices… -.-
(goes to find a rom of the japenese version to see if it still sucks)
40 was just lulzy
I'm surprised there wasn't more House of the Dead 2 in there. It wasn't the worst acting of all time but it was every character for the entire game. At least you could shoot some of them.
5 may have had bad acting, but that was a pretty bas ass line.
Number 20 sounded like something out of the original RvB episodes; like something Caboose would say.
im surprised there wasn't anything from Sonic games in there
one line that deserves an honorable mention just burns in my mind;
"We have to get to the computer room!" -- Vector, 4Kids Voice, Shadow the Hedgehog
The way he said that I had to put a The Who style 'YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!' at the end.
Number 7:
Is it just me or do numbers 41 and 40 go oh so well together?
"Oh no, somethings coming, oh no, he's going to explode!"
"Now bear my arctic blast!"
Feel the innuendo people.
Okay, all of the list summed up nicely: WTF VAs?!
We have vast amounts of brilliant voice actors, who aren't being payed by these companies, and they don't go scouting for them? (Seriously I have several friends and acquaintances I could gather to do a better job of all those >_<)
32 could've been recorded in San Fransisco if you catch my drift.
I think that Barry's "ITs a weapon" quote wouldve been better
"Its used to kill living things!"
Now bear my Arctic Blast *fabulous handwave*
For my zinger of a comment, please refer to the video!
Can't…stop…the laughter…
#3 did he trip up on his lines XD
And now for the humorous Paulrus commentary.
#50 -- Christopher Walken?
#46- *kills Me*
#38- This arrow… is NOT black!
#36- Performed by some college kid over a headset, recorded with Fraps.
#33- …….line?……
#32- Doc from Red vs. Blue?
#30- Beep boop. I am generic Asian-wise-man-o'-tron 2.0.
#28- Yesterday's history is history. From yesterday.
#25- It's true. I wrote the Wikipedia article.
#23- *Bomb diffuse victory skip*
#20- Audio from Season One of Red vs. Blue?
#18- (no commentary for this one. Too fucking hilarious)
#17- "Young Skywalker…."
#15- (see #18)
#12- The final words of a LOLCAT.
#2- Man fucking a pig named Dennis
Games missing from this list
-Syphon Filter 2
-Bubsy 3D
Huh?! No Baten Kaitos in there? That would have at LEAST gotten in the top ten!
Forgot just how bad the voice acting from 8 was. Now I must kill the maker of this video for reminding me D:
Sorry if I can't hear some of your rants, I'm kinda bleeding from the ears right now.
I was expecting to hear Silent Hill dialogue at some point since they put a line of Resident Evil. Oh well… It's better if they don't know >.>
Any Philipps Cd-i game deserves to be in this list :p
My favourite line is from X-Men the Arcade Game when Magneto says, "Welcome! to Die!"
Oh come on, you have all this but you didn't have Chaos Wars in here?
The second guy in #49 sounds like Futurama's Nixon towards the end. :P
In his blood? Way to go, kid!
the best part of all this is that we get anoyed when we listen to them when we play but is freaking hilarious when we get to listen them and know that their are the worse voice actors we have ever seen (too much fail XD)
If u are interested in manga and in voice acting this one is a must see XD
Sean, do NOT diss SotN. Yes, the lines made no sense, YES, it was super-melodramatic, but that combination simply made that scene the best in video games, EVER. Bar none.
That said… Once you get into the teens, you really have to start wondering if some of these weren't being done deliberately.
#16 Sounds like some sort of amateur cartoon villain desperately trying to find ways to make himself look like more than a prick, #18 is just super hilarious, and #12? WRITING ARTICLES IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN LIFE ITSELF.
Did anyone else think of Tristan Taylor's YGOTAS voice around #32?