Choose Neo… Red peel… Or the blue peel….

Just one? TCC would prefer grabbin’ both!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on October 24, 2009 · 3:34 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (242 votes, average: 4.19 out of 5)
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Left 4 Dead, Movies, PC, Power-Ups, Valve Software, Xbox 360

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92 Responses to “Choose Neo…”

  1. Ataeru on October 24th, 2009 7:45 pm

    Neo: umm… what now?
    Morpheus: That was not the actual test, those were to plant a virus apon the agents.
    Louis: huh? im not an agents… AAAH! AAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

  2. ConkerBirdy on October 24th, 2009 7:50 pm


  3. Acrazymonke on October 24th, 2009 7:52 pm

    i thaught this was up a while ago
    nevertheless i have to imagine louis in the matrix

  4. Tenck on October 24th, 2009 8:01 pm

    Silly Louis, this is the one time where GRABBIN EVERYTHING YOU CAN doesn't work out…
    On a side note, THAT AGENT SMITH IS A SPY!

  5. Vabolo on October 24th, 2009 8:10 pm

    The blue pill is cyanide, and the red pill is Untooned Kirby. Choose wisely.

  6. Vabolo on October 24th, 2009 8:12 pm


  7. Jeot21 on October 24th, 2009 8:18 pm


  8. Taiho on October 24th, 2009 8:51 pm

    Would have preferred Louis instead of Neo.

  9. MahJohnson on October 24th, 2009 9:19 pm

    *Louis grab both pills and eats them*

    Neo: So, what happens now?

  10. BoardBreaker93 on October 24th, 2009 9:48 pm

    What would happen if Neo took both of them from Louis? Would Neo kill Louis, or would Louis overpower the One?

  11. MrRaccoon on October 24th, 2009 10:09 pm

    It was just one movie, Louis killed Neo after that

  12. Villain on October 24th, 2009 10:15 pm

    Im grabbin everything i can!

  13. ArmyOfMidgets on October 24th, 2009 11:24 pm

    After Neo took the red peel, Lois took the blue one… and then punched through Neo's throat to take the red peel too.

  14. TheAceOfSkulls on October 24th, 2009 11:51 pm

    This relates to the movie more than the image, but how come no one questioned why Morpheus has a BLUE PILL that KNOCKED OUT a person so that they COULDN'T REMEMBER A THING THAT HAPPENED?!

  15. Exploderizer on October 25th, 2009 12:41 am


  16. Badonk on October 25th, 2009 1:56 am

    Warning!: This was created by a cookie, and may be hazardous to those with Diabetes

  17. ProfessorLuigi452 on October 25th, 2009 4:25 am

    Need some pillz??
    I got them in my lab!!

  18. Xyonas on October 25th, 2009 5:44 am

    I took both the pills. I now have a stomach ache and can taste purple.

  19. Daifuku on October 25th, 2009 9:16 am

    Red vs. Blue Peelz

  20. FoxyMayo on October 25th, 2009 12:04 pm

    One of them is a suppository…

  21. Missingno. on October 25th, 2009 9:45 pm
  22. Vosur on October 27th, 2009 9:24 am

    Let's see… I hope that's not the blue pill I think it is. 0.o And as for the red one, can't really think of what it is.

  23. DClaw on October 27th, 2009 11:29 pm

    As you can see…Neo is scared beyond belief not because he's being offered peelz but the fact he can SEE Louis reflecting off the sunglasses. Basicly….Neo better hand both of them over quickly or else!

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