AverageGuyGreg‘s town name really started making things awkward, so in 2620 they finally changed it to end those jokes once and for all!
Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 25, 2013 · 11:35 AM |
Categories: Animal Crossing, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Poop Jokes, Tips & Tricks · Leave a comment () 46 Comments |
We got rid of that ridiculous name centuries ago to end that stupid joke once and for all. It's now called Urectum.
What shocks me the most about this is that there are only two ways.
It most certainly is
Isabelle needs to focus on creating growth in the private sector.
Well, I guess someone should post this…
[youtube kMOeV5MLOvc rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Citizen: Whats your town's name?
Jon: Uranus
Citizen: Oh Uranus?
And as mayor, he ruled the town with two firm, iron hands, further increasing the growth and development of Uranus, in a move the mayor would refer to as "Operation: Get Ostentatious Approval To Satisfy Everyone", or Operation: G.O.A.T.S.E., for short.
Really? Really, Shawn? You come back to us, and the SECOND THING YOU GIVE US is a butt joke.
C'mon, man. You're classier than that.
It must be nice to be 12 again.
I'd hate to be rude, BUTT this joke is tasteless. How many times have we heard this joke before? All this post does is make an ASS out of anyone who laughed. I personally believe that Shawn is preoccupied with something, and I will get to the BOTTOM of it. Now if you excuse me, I must make my recipe for sweet milk, that I put outside so the wind hits it. I call it DAIRY-AIR.
Mm mhmhm hm mhmhm mh mhmhf mhmf mmffm mmm mfmhmf… mhmhhmh
I had to resort to duct taping my mouth shut to keep myself from spewing forth a slew of disgusting and immature jokes… and make an ass of myself HAHAHA
A town full of animals…talking about expanding Uranus…
<img src="http://images.wikia.com/smuff/images/e/e4/Nope_laser.gif">
<img src=http://pics.imcdb.org/0is488/la1133093966vlcsnap59203lq.6614.jpg>
Jontron left Game Grumps. :(
Stacy: Don't say it Bradley…
Bradley: URANUS!!!
[youtube XCTBHLI4IhY rel="nofollow"> youtube]