Hey Link! Try playing the song of storms on this bad boy!
Submitted by Becca K.
Posted by Shawn Handyside on July 26, 2012 · 1:16 AM |
Categories: Musical, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Secret Items, Shields Up, The Legend of Zelda · Leave a comment () 43 Comments |
The new Triforce: Sex, Drugs, and Rock.
Now I can imagine Link playing overworld remix with that.
Now that I would love to see.
<img src="http://0.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com/14/58/1f985913ccdcf9fccf5ea69ef9eddd55.jpg " width=400>
And you have to use this controller:
<img src="http://media.techeblog.com/images/gaminguitar_2.jpg" />
This essentially makes the Master Sword the most badass guitar pick in the history of Hyrule.
"Sorry kid, you won't be able to carry this all by yourself. Try this one instead."
You got the Dekutar! Switch to the Equipment Subscreen and select the guitar. Press (A) to equip it. Press (R) to crouch and jam out. If you press (R) while (Z) Targeting, you can jam while struttin' your stuff. Be careful, for if it catches fire, it will burn up. So don't try going all Hendrix up in this bitch.
I never knew this was one of the legends in GH3: Legends of Rock.
And then Link went on his quest with the mighty shredder guitar of time to obtain the legendary 3 picks of destiny to stop Ganondorf: The Dark Lord of Dubstep.
Did someone say song of storms? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/395997
Does anyone else think it looks like a badass shovel?
There's really no need for a sword with an awesome axe like that!
[youtube lDN40Az8hQ0 rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Let me play for you, the song of my people…
I don't normally say this, but it looks like it'd be really fun to behead someone with that. Or at least bludgeon them.
When Ganondorf duels Link in the guitar battle of the century he plays the most intense Power Ballad known to man.
Now starring, THE HEROES OF TIME!
With Tingle on Lead Guitar!
Link on Vocals!
And Navi on Base!
[youtube JVefrSVD4BE rel="nofollow"> youtube]
We later found Darunia sprawled on the floor, coked out of his mind.
Click rel="nofollow">here for more Zelda rock covers.
This is now a LoZ metal thread. This one's for Shawn!
[youtube PNSPNttccHQ rel="nofollow"> youtube]
<img src=http://images.wikia.com/zelda/images/3/3d/Guitar_of_Waves.png>
When you play the song of storms on this you rock your enemies like a hurricane.
Got ya covered, gents.
This thing would have to be heavy as hell. I own that shield, and it is NOT light. Still, pretty awesome if it actually works.