In between brawling and racing, Captain Falcon enjoys an occasional mid-day brunch with the local socialites! “SHOW ME YOUR… wine list please!”
By BlueCanary9999
Posted by Shawn Handyside on June 26, 2009 · 11:52 PM |
Categories: Artistic, Disguises, F-Zero, FALCON PAAAANCH, Nintendo, Party Time, Super Smash Bros, Tasty Treats · Leave a comment () 16 Comments |
do not see funny. also, UNO.
*Falcon facepalm*
I gotta make a plug now. Shawn, I really want to send you a comic I made a year ago but never did anything with, but your inbox already has a few balanced entiries of funny and disturbing from me taking up space.
I send you a good Pokemon related one. How about that?
I find this funny just because I get to see Cpt. Falcon in classic art.
The win here is a lie.
I think this would have been funnier if everyone in it was Captain Falcon.
i get it… i wish i did not
Looks like Captian F is trying to get in and the dude in the top hat is blocking it.
Screw the wine list. SHOW ME YOUR BOOZE!
Boy, some people just don't appreciate fine art.
MMm, classic, tasteful and calm…
Shawn Handyside, and the rest of the losers really REALLY need to get over this whole sad Falcon Joke thing. it wasn't funny to begin with and a few years on it's even sadder.