I’m sorry Josh Tan, but I just can’t approve of inter-species relationships
Posted by Shawn Handyside on November 19, 2007 · 9:18 AM |
Categories: LOLCATS, PC, Playstation, Portal, True Love, Valve Software, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 25 Comments |
lol nice josh
Wieghted Companion Cube is a Furfag!
Poor Cube.
lol, that weighted companion cube is a SLUT!
needz moar catz
…n l3ss dogz0rz
is that really a cat???
I thought it was a monkey
^It’s a dog…
I think its a Pomeranian, or something similar
ya its my Pomeranian chiuaua its named Pucco (poo co)
caught the shot just in time too.
lol nice pic josh :P
hey josh… why exactly do you have a weighted companion cube just lying around your house out of curiosity?
you know its like the strangest thing.. iunno i woke up this morning and saw this orange hole in my kitchen wall and then the cube was just there! so i was like OMg !.. o and the hole in my wall is still there im afraid to go through it.
What exactly is it doing with the Weighted Companion cube? I don’t think it’s too personal yet.
yeah, josh, well did u see any of those gay turrets on the other side of the portal? there a pain in the neck
well im sure that they're busy with something else but ya i would like to see a new halolz too.
when will there be a new HALOLZ. I dont want to sound like annoying n00b dat spamz up places, but there hasnt been a new post in a few days
I’ve never been one for change, but okay. If they think the site needs an overhaul.
I still want to know what the Weighted Companion Cube was doing with the dog.
So long as you don’t have to euthanize the dog at the end of the level too…
can u taste teh luv?
“oh by the way, that thing you burned didn’t mean anything to me. it made shoes for orphans.”
ok, so why’s it been a week with no updates? D-=
I killed my companion cube today.
lol he has to insinerate it