[VIDEO] Xbox One does a 180
June 24, 2013 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Animated, Bad Ideas, Failure, Foreign Object, Halo, Highly Illogical Captain, Massive Damage, Microsoft, Ninjas, Playstation, Poop Jokes, Sony, Swordplay, Systems, Video Clips, Weird, Xbox 360
The only thing funnier than watching Microsoft embarrassingly reverse all it’s new (and unpopular) console design features, is watching it animated weirdly by good ol’ NMATV!
March 25, 2013 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Bungie, Cover Art, Drugs & Alcohol, Fashion Faux Pas, Halo, Microsoft, Obnoxious, Scumbag, Xbox 360
Unsurprisingly the game never took off, since you had to throw your copy of the game away and buy a new one every time you died.
March 3, 2013 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Bungie, Halo, Highly Illogical Captain, Microsoft, Weak Points, Xbox 360
Of course it’s not Chief’s first illogical weakness.
By derione1
Halo Reach
December 15, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Bungie, Halo, Microsoft, No Caption Needed
SuperSparkplug has a pretty awesome dentist!
July 31, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Bungie, Halo, Highly Illogical Captain, Irony, Microsoft, Shields Up, Weak Points, Xbox 360
Don’t beat yourself up John… nobody’s perfect!
By MasterLawlz
[VIDEO] Art of the Instakill
May 14, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Backstab, Battlefield, BioWare, Bungie, Call of Duty, Cray-Z Crossovers, Electronic Arts, Half-Life, Halo, Head Shot, Heavy Weapons, Mario Kart, Mass Effect, Massive Damage, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sneak Attack, Special Attacks, Stabbey Stabbey, Swordplay, Team Fortress 2, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Video Clips
By CorridorDigital
Video Wars
May 12, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under Artistic, Bungie, Cover Art, Cray-Z Crossovers, Halo, Mass Effect, Metroid, Microsoft, Movies, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Phantasy Star Online, Retro, Sega, Space Invaders, Star Wars, StarFox, Strike A Pose, Taito, Uncategorized
The force is strong with this one.
By jnkboy
Video Game Pornos
April 16, 2012 by Shawn Handyside
Filed under 2K Games, Adult Situations, Assassin's Creed, BioShock, BioWare, Boobies, Bootylicious, Bungie, Capcom, Castlevania, Cover Art, Devil May Cry, Disturbing, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Gears of War, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Highly Illogical Captain, Konami, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, Microsoft, Nintendo, Off Duty, Ratchet & Clank, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Rockstar, Sony, Strike A Pose, Too Much Free Time, Uncategorized, Weird
Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
A collection of video game themed porno box art by Porrskadad
(more after the jump, if you really need more of this!)
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