Of course it’s not Chief’s first illogical weakness.
By derione1

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Categories: Bungie, Halo, Highly Illogical Captain, Microsoft, Weak Points, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 78 Comments ![]() |
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<img src="http://www.3quarksdaily.com/.a/6a00d8341c562c53ef015393d62418970b-800wi">
Screw the gun. YOU HAVE A TANK.
I don't think Master Chief has it as bad as Raiden. His sword can cut through support pillars in a single swing but regular mooks take about five to kill.
<img src="http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/static/campaign_images/terminal05/2012/8/31/17/things-that-blew-your-mind-when-you-were-a-kid-1-30991-1346448555-3_big.jpg" /img>
Can't pick a indefinite article too well, either.
Can't control gun recoil? Last I checked he could fire a rocket lawncha without any reprecussions.
Argh, I can't stop myself!
Can flip 'an' extremely heavy tank.
Oh hey again, Chief. What's it been, 2 months? A little ahead of schedule aren't we?
Halo in my Halolz, etc etc.
Halo in my Halolz? It's more likely than…no, actually that sounds about right. Never mind.
<img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbx4vuftaY1r2k970.jpg" />
*Used to be able to control gun recoil…
So the winner here is Duke Nukem, the manly man that is able to walk and run while using his Mighty Foot to kick aliens in the balls.
<img src="http://images.wikia.com/dukenukem/images/a/a9/MightyBoot.png" width="360" height="360">
Shawn, I demand that you bring back Wolf Wednesdays and I am going to ask in every post from now on until I see at least one Wolf O'Donnel post. I am also rallying supporters as of this comment. Anybody want to support me?
You can control recoil simply by thumbing down on the analog stick to counter it where appropriate. I submit to you that the Master Chief has the strength to do so at will, it is just a matter of player competence and execution.
You could make the same argument that he's a highly trained commando who has used live UNSC firearms since he was a kid, and still misses all his shots if an inexperienced kid has the controller.
Really, who's at fault here?
Mildly funny captions of Halo referencing illogicalities within the game engine?
Guys I think the -1 troll is back.
Show's over folks.
We had enough internet for today.
Shut down your computers now.
Can't take a dud grenade to the left pectoral without shielding, either.
Wait did we really go an entire day without a "OMG HALO ON HALOLZ" post until this just now?