I have to say, Pokemon’s sixth generation professor was a bit of a surprise!
By TheDuskDragon
Posted by Shawn Handyside on November 18, 2012 · 7:30 PM |
Categories: Bad Ideas, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Pokémon · Leave a comment () 164 Comments |
First thing he asks for isn't your gender, but your phone number.
*Try to use any other pokémon than Rattata*
Joey's voice echoed: There is a time and place for everything, but not now!
Guess what the only choice of starter pokémon will be…
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbNxXdkITQHMEpeX0FElf-Ic3Z31BQxDI1EKA0GOlnj-KdW3iX">
<img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldhklbe9FX1qdm4jeo1_500.jpg" /img>
Wait, so wouldn't he be Oldster Joey by this point?
JOEY: Nice try, Porecomesis! Did you really think switching cell phone providers would help you escape me?!
ME: Oh for God's sake…
Nazrin is in the top percentage of all stage 1 Touhou Bosses!
[youtube XkpwmaR5L5U&feature=player_detailpage#t=108s rel="nofollow"> youtube]
<img src="http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/30440072.jpg" />
Joey, bro… is your face melting?
Dude, we can help you man… we can help…
In Professor Joey's pokedex there is only an entry for Rattata and room for no other Pokemon.
Seems legit.
He'd probably encourage going into the tall grass so you'll be able to catch more rattata's. It's also good to know that this professor has a pokemon within the top percentile of all other pokemon of that specificity in his possession.
The other Rattatas are sick of being ignored.
<img src="http://pokebot.everyboty.net/pix/1200.png" alt="Rattata" height="365" width="480">
Weirdly, all the fighting types in this game don't exist…
And the professor has an awfully big broom cupboard…
I didn't know they could come stadium sized now, that must be alot of brooms, he must do a good job keeping his lab clean
Allow me to alleviate the present bum-rash of the post with some Electroswing
[youtube KF0cyf7zYi8&feature=related rel="nofollow"> youtube]
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Test Post; please ignore this.
Edit: Oh my god finally I can post shit on this site.
I think it's the fan following for that fellow in green, you know, who's always second banana to Mario…Link?
i'm sorry i was distracted by the touhou flame war at the bottom of this page
what were we talking about.
Hell no. I'm not wasting my life researching Rattata.