You’d think there’d be plenty of job opportunities in the Mushroom Kingdom, but unfortunately with Mario’s education he’s only qualified to fix plumbing and stomp on the local wildlife.
By dmgoodr

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Categories: Artistic, Irony, Nintendo, Serious Business, Stinky, Super Mario Bros ![]() · Leave a comment () 74 Comments ![]() |
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Looks like he took ALL the Koopa Kids to the pool…
And yesterday I saw this on deviantart… Why didn't I sent it to halolz? Why? It was my moment to shine….
Mama mia….
Sorry Mario, but your Drano is in another castle.
Maybe he shouldn't have spent all those coins he collects on extra lives…
Ironically, ha Bowser hired Weegee to clear his piping, he would've cleaned it JUST BY staring at it.
Even Shit is Shit Scare of Weegee
<img src=http://i.imgur.com/Z3Haw.jpg>
…And that, kids, is where this masterpiece originated.
This is actually the alternate ending to Bowser's Inside Story in which Luigi was crapped out by Bowser.
<img src="http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_la5ed7ZHjj1qe6y5io1_400.png">
"Now bend over and start plumbing, Mario."
Mario's been through a lot of shit but none has been as disturbing as this.
Sweet, yet dirty revenge…
Now we know every time you die in Super Mario 64, Bowser takes a dump.
If Mario does most of the plumbing what is Luigi doing?
<img src="http://captiontool.com/assets/memes/bowser_troll_face.jpg"/>
It goes without saying, but being a plumber is a shitty business.
He'd better get it unclogged. It's his only way back outside.
He should have stuck with being a doctor.
Does anyone else get depressed every time I look at that picture?
Maybe I'm just phsycho or something…
Meanwhile, Princess Peach is getting her own pipes cleaned, if you know what I mean. No? Okay then. *hides in corner*
Bowser's his only source of business, in one way or another.
Better to clean up poop than having to cut into people's bodies like Dr. Mario. Maybe thats just me though.
Is anyone else disturbed by the fact that his toilet is a KOOPA SHELL?!
I wonder if having your shell turned into the "royal throne" is an honor or an insult to a Koopa?
Who needs a job in the mushroom kingdom? You'd think with the thousands of coins lying around everywhere money wouldn't be a problem.
Sometimes life just pitches you shit, and you have to take it. Other times, life deals you an overturned dumpster filled to the brim with porn mags and you really don't want to.
Just this weekend I was staying in a yurt with some friends, and we found one such dumpster by the camp grounds.
None of us had the courage to sift through it because it was broad daylight and communal porn is incredibly awkward.
Which brings me to yet another related incident, never accept an invitation to a Hentai marathon party. I won't get into the details, but it involved two liquor cabinets, a mixed crowd of guys and girls, a bible Black marathon, and absolutely no sex. No-one wanted to admit they were aroused so we all took turns staring at the liquor cabinets but not getting anything to drink because of paralytic levels of awkward.
Basically anything good can quickly become something bad when you shift the context a bit.
This looks like a job for…
Contra Guy!
<img src=http://dudelol.com/DO-NOT-HOTLINK-IMAGES/Contra-vs-Tetris-GIF.gif>
(it's relevant, trust me, trust me)
Shouldn't we be able to see Bowser's butt in this picture?
Wait, if Mario risks his live(s) all the time to save Princess Peach AND The Mushroom Kingdom, wouldn't the least she could do is to excuse him of taxes?