When life doesn’t give you cake, GET MAD. Complain to life’s manager!
Make life rue the day it didn’t give Chell and the Companion Cube cake!
By TeaBeforeWar

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Categories: Artistic, Now We're Cookin', Off Duty, Portal, Sequential Art, Tasty Treats, The Great Outdoors, Too Much Free Time, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment () 144 Comments ![]() |
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That's not a cake, that's a sandwich. We sell those too.
Didn't you hear? The cake is a lie. Always will be. Learn from Mario. He'll tell you ALL about it!
did chell just make a cake sandwich o.o?
Baking's a piece of cake!
Crack open a few Egg Chells, bake some of that Wheatley in the mix, add a little Lemon Cherry on top, and bam, you get a Companion Crepe!
…Fine, someone point me to the nearest corner in the wheat field.
hah this is awesome, i've always wondered what Chell would do in a giant wheat field…
Hell, i'd still eat that.
<img src="http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/3282/cakeob.png" alt="some_text"/>
See kids, Minecraft does teach you things. Way to prove 'em, girl.
Here at Aperture Science, our subjects learn important life skills from their experience on the cutting edge of science! Improvisation! Enthusiasm! How to acquire suspect materials like that red pasty stuff! You don't wanna know where that's been.
Cave Johnson, we're done here.
Crack crack crack the egg into the bowl…
<img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Y8u09A7q7DU/S-HbK2advEI/AAAAAAAAFGs/cug81STJaoA/s1600/1._march_of_progress.jpg">
Mmmm, this cake sure does look delicious! … (taste)
<img src=http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x399/tmotom/FUUUUUUUU.gif>
What's that in the fourth panel…a b-BIRD! BIRD! GET IT AWAY!
Meat cake?
This is like the shows "Survivor" and "Cake Boss" combined.
I shall call it… THE CAKE BOSS SURVIVOR… (the companion cube is the cake boss)
<img src=http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/12/11/16a77e1f-4b13-4206-9199-2b41a56d7ac8.jpg>
I'm eating lemon cake right now! :D
Take about five dozen eggs, start puttin' em in a bowl. Mix the FUCK out of em, and what do you get?
eggs…. all you added was eggs…. it's still just eggs… ._.
Thank goodness for minecraft cooking physics!
Everytime i think about the portal 2 ending i always wonder if being outside is a good think for her.
The difference between Chell and most people?
Most people would search for civilization.
Chell makes that cake she was due.
<img src="http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Tau_Rho_lambda/Cakepsuedomotivational.jpg" /img>
I'm more of a pie person
I call bullshit. That is clearly a pie.
You should have listened to the messages, Chell.
<img src="http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u4/argosy-07/lie.jpg" border="0" the cake is a lie Pictures, Images and Photos"/>
Even Leonidas is with the program.
… and this one is just for the LULZ.
<img src="http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y295/Bucket_Boy/guns.jpg" border="0" Cake is a lie Pictures, Images and Photos"/>
Uh, wait a minute, where did Chell get that red filling for her sandwich cake?
According to the comic, she took a bunch of wheat from the wheat field, an egg from a crow's nest, and something from the cow. (other than milk)
Cake you say? rel="nofollow">
Wait a minute here, that's a bull!
Not a cow, How does she get mil-
oh my…
Lets be honest, it probably tastes better than volcano bakemeat
I'm sorry, but I cannot make any witty comments for this awesome comic due to busily laughing on the floor.
rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow">…
Take about five dozen eggs…
A: That’s a bull
B: There is no sugar
Last panel:
<img src="http://boxothoughts.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/nixon19744.jpg">
Reminds me of rel="nofollow">this.
All you gotta is take a cup of flour
Add it to the mix!….
Let them eat cake, you monster…
Let her eat cake.
guys, thats a steer. steers have udders and therefor make milk. not all cows that make milk are female.
It's a good thing she listened to Fact Core.