Impressive work doctor! Lets all give that Medic a hand!
Oh wait it looks like he just got one! OH HO HO!
I’ll stop now.

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Categories: Bad Ideas, Fists of Fury, Heavy Weapons, PC, Playstation, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 51 Comments ![]() |
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Another successful procedure! FOR SCIENCE!
i had witty things to say but i cant remember them now
damn you short attention span
damn you
Now Engineer's fists are made of steel!
Engy: Doc, where did my real hand go?
Medic: Oh… It's… Around… *Addams Family theme starts playing*
Shawn… You mind explaining to me why Bionic Commando isn't in the tags?
Good News! It's a Suppository!
Stress lines on Engy, handsome does not make.
<img <a href="http://www.dreadcentral.com/img/news/aug08/ash.jpg="name">” target=”_blank”>http://www.dreadcentral.com/img/news/aug08/ash.jpg="name">
I love the Power Glove.
It's so bad.
Engie: Great work doc! High five!
Medic: sure thing pa -- OW.
I gotta HAND it to ya, Medic; you do nice work. I'll admit, I was up in ARMS about this procedure, but the way you POINTed out the benefits helped me decide. I can't wait to use these in our JOINT-effort with Black Mesa. Can I get your DIGITS so I can suggest you to a friend?
Soldier: You deserve a hand, Doc! Take it from the Engy.
I've gotta HAND it to the medic. The procedure was a great success and it ARMED him with experience
Not sure if it was intentional, but if it was, nice Statler and Waldorf reference, Shawn.
Engineer and Alphonsentry Elric’s reckless disregard for machinery’s fundamental laws ripped half of Engi’s limbs from his body and left Alsentry’s soul clinging to a cold suit of a Mini Sentrygun. To restore what was lost, the brothers scour a war-torn land for the Haunted Metal, a fabled relic which grants the ability to craft machinery in impossible ways.
The Elrics are not alone in their search; the corrupt Steam Military is eager to harness the artifact’s power. So too are the strange BLU Team and their shadowy creator. The mythical Metal lures exotic engineers from distant kingdoms, scarring some deeply enough to inspire murder. As the Elrics find their course altered by these enemies and allies, their purpose remains unchanged – and their bond unbreakable.
Insert witty hand related pun here.
Engie: How'd you manage to reattach my hands so easily?
Medic: Oh, it was a simple procedure. Did you ever see "The Empire Strikes Back?"
Engie: No, I don't watch crap.
Medic: Now, I've also been running some tests on your brother, the Heavy, and I believe the cause for his abnormal behavior is Japanese Puberty.
Engie: You mean…?
Medic: Yes, he thinks he is a Pokemon.
Engie: Heavy, Speak to me!
Heavy (Gruff Russian accent): Diglett!
Looks like the engineer…
*puts on sunglasses*
had some doctor assisted handicide
Looks like Engineer… (put Goggle)
should change a profession to 'Handyman'.
Do not TAUNT the CLAW!
Medic: Well? Do you like it?
Engineer: NOPE.
It's like FMA all over again…
Engineer: "Doc, don't patronize me. I have an actual PhD which allows me to actually graft a mechanical hand onto myself. You have a medigun which is a glorified ether humidifier."
Wait, how'd he get the Gunslinger in GMod? I never knew you could change submodels in GMod. :S
Oh hello sciency girl.
Oh that's cool, Halolz. You can totally take my pictures without my permission, no problem there…
Yeah. :|
Shouldn't you give credit to the original author?
He might want to practice on a hotdog first.