Heroes in a half shellder! SQUIRTLE POWAH!
By BAM, submitted by Caelun_Niveus

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Categories: Artistic, Best Friends 4-Eva, Cray-Z Crossovers, Disguises, Nintendo, Pokémon, Strike A Pose, Superheroes/Supervillains, Teamwork ![]() · Leave a comment () 141 Comments ![]() |
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Leonardo used Swords Dance!
It's super effective.
…How can Squirtles live for over 13 years and still be Squirtles?
Look out! It's the Shellder!
Where's my Thunderskitties?
Thunderskitties, HO!
(Also, I'm new here. Please don't eat me.)
I call BS. Michelangelo is 12 letters.
MichaelAngelo used SWALLOW! Foe PIZZA fainted!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Starters in a half-shell
Squirtle power!
They're the world's most fearsome battting dudes (We're really hip!)
They're starters in a half-shell and they're blue (Hey, Mega Kick!)
When the evil Shellder attacks
These Squirtle boys use Bubble Attack!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Joey taught them to be ninja teens (He has a radical rat!)
Leonardo Surfs, Donatello Double Teams (That's a fact, Ash!)
Raphael is usin' Withdraw (Gimme a break!)
Michaelangelo has a mighty Roar (Rawr!)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles
Starters in a half shell
Squirtle power!
Well holy Falcon. Now I know that the Halolz community does not take kindly to newbies posting "first", even in jest. Please forgive me, good sirs.
I'm guessing that Scizor would be Shredder?
this totally makes procrastinating writing an english essay worth it.
I'm surprised.
not cause someone put this up but,
it was not put up sooner
I remember when I watched this show as a little kid. Of couse I was still so young and still sucking milk out of my mothers bewbs.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles. :V
On the forums just yesterday:
*I see this submission idea*
"Geez Shawn, why don't you ever post stuff like this anymore?"
*I see this submitted in today*
"Right on the spot, Shawn."
You can expect the movie to be in theaters around Christmas.
I like Squirtles!
I'll go with the headcrab.
Now is this before or after the Squirtle Squad?
Wow! They combined two gay things to try and be cool! Awesome!!
So do these guys like pizza???
They're squirtles… with an origin story involving ninjas! Game of the Year!
Squirtle used Growl
*Squirtle:* "Cowabunga"
But I was gonna eat them…
Um if he shows "TITS" then he gets to stay? I'd recommend a change of thought on that one.
Samurai Pizza Caterpies?
http:// ]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANqwgljF_PMVbM:http://www.fantasykat.com/ch/Images/sq/squirtle2.jpg&t=1
No Squirtle Squad jokes? wat
(I can't figure out how to put in picture herp derp.)
Too awesome for words…
hopefully they won't have to face any electric opponents
After cooking them first of course.
It looks like it's going to be…
..a shell of a time
Hooray for '80's and '90's references!
Even though I wasn't around when the series premiered, it is still one of my favorite childhood series (having being exposed to its reruns in the '90's) and the amazing live-action movie. First was the best. TMNT was decent. I even remember the frustration of not being able to get the original TMNT game for the NES to work. I even had a Raphael-shaped football! And I was a fan of Pokemon ever since the 8-bit days of Red and Blue, and I think that up to season 3 of the original anime was the best. Kudos, BAM and Caelun_Niveus, for managing to bring a nostalgic smile to my face and making my day a little better. Kudos.
But her hair is so nice…
Why would I let go of it?
What's this? A threatening letter?
No, worse! The bill!