Teammates can be so helpful sometimes!
By Bobfleadip, submitted by AManWithACloak

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Categories: Artistic, Failure, Head Shot, Sequential Art, Sneak Attack, Team Fortress 2, Teamwork, Tips & Tricks, Valve Software ![]() · Leave a comment () 52 Comments ![]() |
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Sniper's face: ಠ_ಠ
YAY first comment
that snipers a traitor!
or, that snipers from CoD rel="nofollow">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v305/Taco2575/captain_obvious.jpg" border="0">
I don't get it.
If this is a Team Fortress 2 image, why aren't they using hats?
(Not the regular ones, of course)
Hah! See?! A red spy-oh no wait that's blood.
Mann Co. Everything-Proof Glass:
So strong, It'll blow your mind (and possibly every other organ found in the cranial area)!
Here's a soldier related video….and I use that term loosely….very…very….loosely….I like dots
[youtube LiNgTs3KGv0 rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Typical Badwater experience.
NOOO! Not comic sans!
Not shown- the Cloak and Dagger spy raging over the kill steal.
this is all I could think off when I read this comic
[youtube sLS3RGesIFQ rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Helmets. Provide no actual protection at all. That is why they have been replaced by hats.
I guess you could say that his advice was… a no-brainer.
Whilst we're on the subject of violently deconstructed cranial matter:
(scroll right)
<img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b245/Falru/test-1.png" />
Deja-Vu, this exact situation happened not 3 weeks ago on a public server, me being the soldier. I also believe I recognize the star and SMH of the artist's signature. If I was the suspect in this, the SMH was probably spelled out in their name..
But holy maggot-box, this is either Deja-Vu or the artist making fun of anonymous me. o3o
My body is ready Mr. Sniper!
<img src="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz3hn4Qnj21r2zz0ko1_500.jpg"/>
Next time Soldier, don't interrupt the Snipers "2fort shuffle"
You can tell it's the 2fort Shuffle by observing these actions:
*shimmyleft-shimmyleft-SHOOT-shimmyright-sihmmyright-CLICK-CLACK* Repeat ad-infinitum
I just think Sniper wanted to take a nap where he wouldn't be shot, but he didn't wanna be yelled at by his team mates. Notice how his eyes are closed.
Did Sun Tzu say that?
Fucking free to plays.