No, this implement of murder is much too small. We demand bigger!
By freddiew [via Destructoid]

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Categories: Balls of Steel, Cosplay, Katamari Damacy, Kickin' It, Namco, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment () 73 Comments ![]() |
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<img src=http://sharkrobot.com/images/medium/shirt_vgc_trippinballs_MED.jpg>
hmm, a blank slate, well, blank short of the man making a rick roll pun.
I have to think of something! Being among the ground-breaker posts is the gateway to the E-Peen Oasis!
What to do?!
CSI meme, Most interesting man in the world? CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYLCES?!
alas, i have no idea, so here's a picture.
<img src="http://www.littlebigplanetoid.com/images/uploads/awesome_sauce.jpg">
I actually wanted to write pun like "What a Kata-strophe!!!" here, but I guess then I wouldn't be able to face myself in the bathroom mirror anymore.
This is the best anti bullying PSA ever.
Good thing, Heavy wasn't there, otherwise he'd be the first one to be picked by the "eety-beety-teeny baby man"
And that's why you don't start shit with a tiny guy who can roll over 200 tons of random crap into a ball.
<img src="http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/24/10777-katamari_super.jpg">
I see you've put Freddie Wong into this planet. Then I shall name it Cybertron
"You can't win, man. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."
Man, I wanna go to that one place the Prince went to get his items.
From the looks of it, it's a place where they sell brightly-colored striped Sofas, wheels, guns and pallets.
Best. Store. Ever.
If you rolled up Halolz it would just be the word "Trollolololololololololololololololllo…." wrapped up into a ball.
Is there going to be a Katamari grenade in Red Faction now?
The Prince has BALLS OF STEEL.
Well, at least iron. Can't make a star without iron.
"Super Asian!"
Allows all previously inferior collectings to either get better right nao or leave this famiry forever! For they have brought great dishonour!
Freddie Wong can easily defeat armed robbers and even Madness-Combat-level armed mercenaries, but he's no match for a miniscule alien garbage collector.
Does anyone else think that the Jaws music (Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun) should be replaced by brief sections of the Katamari song (Like when it passes by the window)?
Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing???
Where the fuck did that katamari pick up vulcan cannons?
Whatever happened to jumping to the left?
You know, for sticking it up to a guy twenty-eight times his size, that prince has… rel="nofollow"> Big balls.
You see a guy that's 6 inches tall and your first instinct is to harass him? Heck no.
Stick him in a jar and proceed to Step Three.
Who else was humming the kamatari song for 15 minutes after they watched this?
Balls. Balls everywhere.
"Then when the patient woke up, his skeleton was missing…"
Yeah, terrible joke.