Before you start playing Left4Dead 2, you may want to review Ellis’ ‘ficial instructions one more time!
By my nemesis Scott Smith of Slackerz
Posted by Shawn Handyside on November 15, 2009 · 4:48 PM |
Categories: Artistic, Left 4 Dead, Sequential Art, Serious Business, Tips & Tricks, Valve Software · Leave a comment () 65 Comments |
Lit'racy is more impurtunt in a videa game than the gameplay, good thung Slackarz picked up tha fact
I'll tell you what he missed from his 'ficial instructions:
Keel all sunsa beetches, dats mai 'ficial instructions
I'm beginning to mix up Ellis with Scooter from Borderlands.
"Keel awl sunza bitchiz. HEY COME GETCHA SOME WHEELS."
His name is Ellis? (Totally missed that memo)
Also I kept reading 'ficial as 'Fickle' >.>
Included in this book is:
How to maek a chokolete helicotper from zombe arms
How to kill a zombe with a toothpik
Included in this book is:
How to maek a chokolete helicotper from zombe arms
How to kill a zombe with a toothpick
Finding Peelz
But if I keel all sunz ah bitchez, they gunna ban me…. SO NOT FICIAL
…how come whenever I look at Ellis, I can imagine him running really fast with a headset and baseball bat going "WANANANANANANANA! BOINK!"
With his voice like that though, he's like a cross between the scout and engi >.>;
I 'Ficially hate ellis.
Noble 1: I do say chap, that southern boy is not able to pronounce official correctly.
Noble 2:yes, that is quite funny old bean.
Both nobles: Ha *puts on monocle*
Umm… yeah… i did not find that funny.
when you hear yall or some other slang every day, it does not even come up on the funny meter.
Only difference is Ellis deals horses, not cars :P
I'm 'ficially confused here, but I love this comic for some reason.. CHEERS :D
"Bonk all sons of beetches, that's my 'ficial intructions"
"Put 98% of chocolate on chocolate helicopters, that's my 'ficial recipe"
Am I the only one who though "OBJECTION!" in panels 9 and 10? Probably? Ok.
Its 'ficial top hats make everything better
You can almost hear the banjos twanging in Ellis' voice.
1. Kill all sons 'a bitches.
2. Repeat step 1.
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!!
Oh great, another shot at a Southern accent. Everyone's just mad because they can't pick themselves a Georgia peach with their city boy talk >:P
BONK all sons 'a bitches that's my ficial intructions
Irrefutably. *leans back in comfy chair*
Come on Handyside, you know Slackerz are two wild and crazy guys.
New meme?