Now even Capcom is making their own halolz? Those wieners!

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Posted by Shawn Handyside on July 7, 2009 · 5:25 PM 
FAILLAMENOT BADPRETTY GOODAWESOME (292 votes, average: 1.69 out of 5)
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Bionic Commando, Capcom, Now We're Cookin', PC, Playstation, Weird, Xbox 360

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  1. Badonk on July 7th, 2009 9:45 pm

    Oh I wish i was a bionic commando, that is what i truly wish to be.
    Cuz if i was a bionic commando. everyone would run away from me!

  2. AvA on July 7th, 2009 9:49 pm

    I don't care what anyone else says, that arm is frickin' badass. It makes mundane things like cooking look hardcore.

    I swear, you could be brushing your teeth with that fucker and come off like Steven Segal crossed with Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee… WITH A BIONIC ARM.

  3. jjenjr on July 7th, 2009 9:54 pm

    *facepalm* funny picture but that caption has to fuckin go.

  4. BlueChameleon on July 7th, 2009 10:00 pm

    ARMor hotdogs…

  5. BreadRaptors? on July 7th, 2009 10:05 pm

    Wait wait wait, isn't his wife part of his arm and she's filled with hotdogs too.

    I hate my mind ;_;

  6. MrRaccoon on July 7th, 2009 10:26 pm

    "What a freaking awesome hand you gave me! It can kill ant cook, cut and chop, and it makes hotdogs in 34 seconds! Just a question, how're yo guys supossed to glue back my real arm?"
    "hehe, yeah… about that…"

  7. Paulrus on July 7th, 2009 10:39 pm

    Gentlemen, meet the REAL Oscar Mayer.

  8. AreUExperienced on July 7th, 2009 6:21 pm

    I like it.

    This should've been posted on the Fourth of July, though.


  9. King on July 7th, 2009 6:29 pm

    The funniest part about it is that I didn't realize that anything was wrong with it at first glace.

  10. G1drake on July 7th, 2009 11:36 pm

    wow, photoshop skills at best*sarcasm*

  11. Nick Soapdish on July 8th, 2009 12:40 am

    Hello, is there an I C there? Last name Wiener?
    Hold on… hey guys? I C Wiener! Does anyone know I C Wiener?!

  12. Paul T Shoink on July 8th, 2009 2:54 am

    What kind of man fights with ARMor hotdogs?!

  13. Jusenkyo on July 8th, 2009 3:35 am

    Isn't it a bit late for April Fool's?

  14. KingofRetards on July 8th, 2009 3:48 am


  15. Sinister Minister on July 8th, 2009 7:15 am

    I find no problem with it. It's obviously not the best (not by a long shot) but I just can't hit the one star button for this. :( 2/5 if it really has to come down to it.

    I mean, with the score its got, it's amazing more people haven't crapped all over it yet.

  16. Master_Vir on July 8th, 2009 12:55 pm

    This seems like a likely candidate for Wackiest Submission of the Year.

  17. Gustav on July 8th, 2009 2:25 pm

    It actually took me a bot to realize that his arm was made of hot dogs, once I saw that it was indeed funny. For that I give it a 4/5

  18. Gustav on July 8th, 2009 7:26 pm

    a bit* my apologies

  19. Divinebovine on July 9th, 2009 12:59 am

    I knew the arms looked funny, but i just couldnt place it before…now I realize what it was and subsequently lol'd

  20. Vabolo on July 9th, 2009 6:45 pm

    To quote Bobby Lee,

    !"Uh-oh! Hot dog!"

  21. Vabolo on July 9th, 2009 6:45 pm

    To quote Bobby Lee,

    "Uh-oh! Hot dog!"

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