Codemaster525 is runnin’ circles around these guys! BOINK!
Posted by Shawn Handyside on July 9, 2009 · 2:47 AM |
Categories: Cray-Z Crossovers, Foreign Object, Head Shot, Left 4 Dead, PC, Smashy Smashy, Sports, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Xbox 360, Zombies · Leave a comment () 48 Comments |
Simplicity rules.
Is he gonna steal the guys Flesh Sandvich?
Coming Soon: Meet the Zombie?
Why So Serious Scout?
If cricket really was this violent people might actually watch it.
somebody keepin track off my heads batted in boink
And that's what happens when you don't build the dispenser.
That's exactly what I was thinking when I first found out about the Cricket Bat
Hot dusty day
nothing’s going down
wanna get out of this sleepy old town
somethin’s in the air
you’re feeling uptight
it’s the right mood
for a bat fight!
That’s not a scout… it’s a dude from left 4 dead 2 (you can use baseball bats, hatchets, etc in the sequel). Notice the gun on his back, different hat, more realistic looking skin…
Fun fact: Post Katrina New Orleans saw a massive surge in cricket games.
The police answered in kind by wearing funny hats and swinging tiny nightsticks.
ya know, this could be how the demoman lost his eye.
but he is wearing an australia shirt so this is how the sniper went white.
looks too round to be a cricket bat to me
im not really getting this, but if its some sorta cricket thing…then that would explain me not getting the funny in this
Hudduh hudduh huh!
And that's for the Ashes!
*beams English patriotism*
"If you were from where I am from, you would be fucking zombie's food! BONK"
Achievement Unlocked: Garden Hose
Put out the flame war.
yo zombie, it's starting to bore me how much you SUCK. BOINK
The idea that the english could beat the Aussies in cricket made me lol the most.
Winning the Ashes is a good job mate!
on a side note England is one major country that isn't represented by anyone in TF2 (and no, Scotland does not count).
Damn, I wanted to do this but I coudn't find any pictures of the Survivors holding a bat. If I make one of these "BONK" ones will I be unoriginal cause it wasn't posted first?
If it was real and based on the recent ashes test, the Englishman would be blocking and being a bitch against the Australian. Then calls out a trainer when "hurt".
Say goodbye to your knees, chucklehead!
BTW, This is my Xbox live gamertag.