Why I’m not looking forward to Half Life 3…

Why I'm not looking forward to Half Life 3...
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Episode 3? Maybe I can wait a little longer…
By David Boyle [Quantum Feline]

Why Gordon Doesn’t Talk

Scientists just aren’t good at talking to women!
By makani, submitted by several people

[VIDEO] Gabe Jumps for Joy

You guys are so mean, making me post videos about Gaben’s weight and Half-Life Episode 3 delays… the man has brought us so many great games!
Still I can’t resist anything with a CSI moment and footage of 2012 spliced together. Don’t ask me why I just can’t!
By , submitted by therandombear and Andrew T.

[VIDEO] The Wii Didn’t Start the Fire

Should it worry me that this song sums up my entire life in four minutes? Nah…
By PopeFriction, submitted by KHPandaZ and smashpro1

[VIDEO] What’s The Announcer doing when you play TF2?

Spectating a TF2 match isn’t nearly as exciting as being in it… so you have to assume The Administrator is doing something back there to keep herself entertained!
By PoonkerTV, submitted by Brian C. and Mikołaj O.

[VIDEO] Garrymon: I Choose You!

Oh good. I was hoping I would see the entire first episode of the Pokemon TV show redone in Gmod today. >_>
By SpawnThemAll, submitted by killercartoons and Delta_Three

[VIDEO] Spy & Pyro

FINALLY… someone (Albino Blacksheep) answers the age old question… what would TF2 be like if it were an old fashioned cartoon?
Submitted by several people