Oh God… after all these years now Santa is the naughty one!
By dragonnyxx
Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 12, 2012 · 1:28 AM |
Categories: Christmas, Disturbing, Holidays, Nintendo DS, PC, Sequential Art, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized, Wii · Leave a comment () 93 Comments |
[youtube I5BRfBSlEFM rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Video unrelated cause I dont feel like thinking of humor
I had to check that one twice.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/h5p1u.jpg">
Is anyone else concerned as to why this is even an option?
So… this gives Santa a new way he's coming to town?
[youtube la091ApC7q4&start=540 rel="nofollow"> youtube]
….And a Fox News moral crusade, happening in 3… 2….
Reddit commenter pointed out the winking face.
Oh god.
Hang on, now.
I don't suppose Maxwell is how Santa gets all his presents?
Now that "He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake" line seems a lot more sinister.
That's why I trust my christmas with Jynx.
<img src="http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/b/b9/Holiday_Hi-Jynx.png/200px-Holiday_Hi-Jynx.png">
And what would YOU "like" for Christmas little boy?
Well the game isn't safe anymore.
He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake. Santa claus is stalking your ass.
<img src="http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2011/11/3/d2ae0609-8ace-40b1-ba33-9417639c06bc.jpg" alt="Stalker" width="300" height="304">
It gets worse. He's also into beastiality.
<img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mVZ__QdOGQY/SzKMafhXrrI/AAAAAAAAF7g/84UftiLcsZM/s200/Post1.jpg">
Audio from this moment: "I need you tonight."
I thought Santa was more into Hoe Hoe Hoes.
<img src="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll208/masked-avenger/Untitled-1-12.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
I was planning on buy the new Scribblenauts, but now I'm not too sure
<img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8l60jLcij1ra5p9wo1_500.gif"/>