I think we all knew that behind that glassy eyed stare, beat the heart of a serial killer.
By HoboRobo
Posted by Shawn Handyside on November 27, 2012 · 2:49 AM |
Categories: Artistic, Creepy/Spooky, Massive Damage, Movies, Nintendo, Pokémon · Leave a comment () 58 Comments |
What about Psy-Duck? :D
<img src="http://8th-circuit.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/500x262/psy-duck.jpg" width="450">
(deploys flame shield)
I came here expecting a Psychonauts reference.
I was disappointed.
<img src="http://aceattorney.neoseeker.com/w/i/aceattorney/4/46/Joedarke.png" width=" " height=" " />
This joke has flown right over Porecomesis' head. I demand an explanation.
He should join a band. This band:
<img src="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/284/6/a/slipknot_pokemon_by_0parkp-d4ci7t8.jpg" height="400" width="480">
Psyduck used Shower Stab. It's super effective!
Psyduck became DAMP with blood while his opponent went to COULD NINE. Sounds about right.
<img src="http://www.pokelol.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/americanpsyduck.gif">
Oh Shawn, do you still think it's Halloween?
You sillybilly, you!
Well, A pokemon's best friend is his trainer
I would find it rather difficult to murder people with chronic headaches. :(
"I think we all knew that behind that glassy eyed stare, beat the heart of a serial killer."
Well I didn't know Psyducks have their heart inside their skull…
Ironically does NOT learn Psycho Cut.
And you thought he was garbage didn't you?