Sonic the Hedgehog 1 was a really fun game! …For the first three levels.
By Psy and Dave

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Categories: Animated, Obnoxious, Power-Ups, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, Under the Sea, Video Clips, Weak Points ![]() · Leave a comment () 72 Comments ![]() |
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Everybody knows -- the first one's free, that's how they draw you in….
Damn you OMACHAO! This is vengance for me killing you in SA2 Battle, isn't it?
[youtube c6ax9jfI_kU rel="nofollow"> youtube]
At least S3&K managed to run rings around the first game…
Apparently Labyrinth Zone was supposed to be the second level originally.
Yeah that was a GREAT idea.
[youtube Qzb87qir7Cs&feature=plcp rel="nofollow"> youtube]
In Sonic 3:
"In this level, you need to bounce these cylinders up and down to advance!"
"Ok, how do I do it?"
Sound off if you finished every classic Sonic game except the first.
Seeing Omochao in that video reminded me of this Sonic 1 Romhack
[youtube ySU1CgWhPQw rel="nofollow"> youtube]
Does anyone else think that Labyrinth zone was the absolute WORST water level in ANY sonic game EVER?
*kicks in computer screen and leaves without another word*
Make the Sonic drowning music your ring tone.
Never miss another phone call again.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/rFeMp.png" />
If you look really closely, you'll notcide that Psy's head is a dragon.
Still a better level design than Sonic '06.
I know why they did this… Psy watched the episode of Game Grumps Sonic '06 in wich both Jon and Arin complain about how only the first level of Sonic is fun and the other levels just have a slower boring pace.
At least there was Star light Zone in Sonic 1: a great level as a reward for having finished Labryinth zone.
You'd think that, if people didn't want Omochao to talk to them, they wouldn't touch him.
Porecomesis suspects masochism.
I'm surprised that no one has posted the urgent drowning music that everyone hates.
Pity the two Grumps (trying to) playing Sonic '06 as we speak.
It took four battle hardened Goons of SA fame to brave that…. "game" and beat it, who barely emerged alive with their sanity still intact and in a functioning cognitive state.
How do those two think that they'll even survive the first act?
Let alone…. the RADICAL TRAIN
Don't you ever say that word again!
Omochao and fi both the most annoying and useless helpers in history
god help us all if they reproduce