True gentlemen speak softly, and carry a big arsenal.
Part of a Ratchet & Clank 10th Anniversary poster series by Aled Lewis

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Categories: Artistic, Best Friends 4-Eva, Chillaxin', Gentlemen, Heavy Weapons, Insomniac Games, Off Duty, Ratchet & Clank ![]() · Leave a comment () 58 Comments ![]() |
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Dese boyz is good, but dey still dont have enuff dakka.
<img src="http://www.clevescene.com/binary/292e/1304712010-lots-o-guns.jpg">
Zombies always seem to overpower you with there numbers
What about Worms? Those games had a lot of guns, right?
<img src="http://www.team17.com/images/screenshots/wormsbattlepack/images/screenshot5.jpg" width="460">
Some times, you just need a little less gun.
But that don't mean you don't WANT more gun.
Damn, i remember these games, shame i never obtained a PS3, so i wasnt able to get any of the games past deadlocked, or was it up your arsenal? going cammando? whichever was the last one on the PS2…
R.Y.N.O. Generation 1, THAT is Dakka.
God damn I have so many good memories with ALL of those weapons on that wall. So much Dakka, so little time.
Ah the most dangerous of the entire arsenal….. the Mirror Ball[youtube sZdkhxTALxc rel="nofollow"> youtube]
The best part about these games (guns excluded), is that the hard mode was FUCKING HARD.
It actually challenged you.
Forever one of my favorite game franchises.
Steady your trigger fingers, it's time for some hardcore gun porn.
[youtube lV4t7DdFlK8 rel="nofollow"> youtube]
How am I gonna stop some big mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind?
The answer…is a gun.
And if that don't work, use more gun.
<img src="https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/409715_10151004587404266_969143797_n.jpg" length="400" width="400">
Their forces out-number us 3:1? Then it is an even fight.
but when there all gone.
he goes for the wrench.
can't beat the classics RIGHT MORGAN?
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQeYWdZ-PMgfpPMnoi98KXtbqO5_X0hxGxVMimaXK97-M5r5XlHVA">
<img src="http://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/halolz-dot-com-teamfortress2-demoman-demopan-swords.jpg" /img>
I think the Demoman would agree except replace gunned with outsworded… is that a word? It is now because Cave Johnson AND Saxton Hale said so! Done deal!
Not that it's just the two of them.
<img src=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100214041331/ratchet/images/a/a2/Mr.Zurkon.jpg>
I believe everything would be better if it had Captian Quark in it. Or, it can be a million times worse.
Excuse me, but Bazillion got Bazillioner in Borderlands 2
This provides a plausible explanation why everyone in videogames more or less starts out with nothing despite getting everything in their last game.