What, you want to go left? That my friend, is the dream of a madman.
By RockyPlanetesimal, submitted by Irving R.

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Categories: Capcom, Dramatic, Extreme CloseUp, Genesis, Kid Icarus, NES, Ninjas, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, PC, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Retro, Sega, SNES, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Weak Points, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 57 Comments ![]() |
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Neat video. Not funny, but inspiring.
Shame that I didn't see LittleBigPlanet in there anywhere, though.
This video couldn´t be more right…
go right, don't go left, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T
If I hadn't seen this video before, I would have thought it was a tribute to Streets of Rage.
Looks like these heroes…
…are made of the right stuff.
<img src=http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd460/TomQuoVadis/FreddieWongReaction.gif>
Simple concept that was presented very well. It just goes to show that even the simplest of game mechanics (or in this case, limitations) can be interpreted as actual life lessons.
Moden Shooter Version: Go Forward, Scripted Event.
Sponsored by the Republican Party.
I suddenly feel inspired to go right and only right….
They go right because they can't go left so they traverse the entire world to get all there stuff in a box is to the left.
rel="nofollow">Pink Yoshi is a rebel.
Video games are art.
Because left just isn't right…
The only thing left is right!
This video proves that if your forced to go down a path, go down with STYLE! It tells you to never try to run from your problems. Face them head on with guns blazing and a battle cry if need be!
May your path always be the right one!
Go right? Been there, done that. http://games.adultswim.com/worst-game-ever-twitch…
Go right, you can't go wrong.
You know its all just a matter of perception… if they camera had been on the opposite side of them….. they'd all be going left.
Think about it.
<img src="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/339/8/0/Metal_Slug_re_create_by_crandrew1242.jpg" alt="Metal Slug"/>
so… people can actually move left!? When I try, I end up hitting an invisible wall!
I know someone who went right instead of going left:
<img src="http://thenewagenda.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Donna-Noble.jpg">
Let's just say it didn't work out for her.
Go Right
Because only the bad guys Go Left
There's a political metaphor in that….
Klonoa 2 effin yeah
<img src='https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2QnyL-0dXJNGEr0LQeObjeDoE0usGLVk9mPL8f7_09R2VM2Bk'>
Lefties are the Devil's minions!
This video left me with tears.
…oh, wait.
The right of the screen….The final frontier…
Maybe on opposite day…
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do!!!
So all side scrollers are conservative propaganda?
This is normally true… Unless you happen to be playing Final Fantasy 13. http://www.analoghype.com/wp-content/uploads/2009…
!tfel eht ot gnipyt m'I !siht wercS
Paper Mario anyone?
I saw Quote and Captain Viridian in there.
It's not so much as going right, but going forward.
That….that was beautiful.
Oh my god the shaky handheld camera recording several dozen video games, that are literally being projected onto a screen.
Oh, now I know why everybody wants to go left…
<img src="http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/demotivational-posters-turn-left-please.jpg">
I love the video… hits close to the heart! I do wish that Super Metriod, Symphony of the Night, Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Eclesia would've been left out though… Super Metroid even starts you out going left (once your on Zebes). =p And the Castlevania games I mentioned are pretty free-moving around the castles.
I'm not saying that I don't still get the point of the video, it is awesome and powerful. But there were (I'd say) literally thousands of games that force you to go right that could've filled in the gaps these would've opened…
I cried…
i know this is ridiculous, but this actually gave me chills, haha.
What game is 1:24?