I heard Bungie let go of the Halo license to work exclusively in the field of MLP games!
By FlavinBagel, submitted by Masterluigi452

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Categories: Artistic, Bungie, Cutesy Wutesy, Halo, My Little Pony, Off Duty, Sequential Art, TV Shows ![]() · Leave a comment () 173 Comments ![]() |
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And thus all Halos were converted into galactic friendship cannons.
Man I wish. Halo is just a Galatia Pile of Craaaaap
Halo will never be as gay as that show, and I HATE Halo.
Halo, in Halolz? This is madness!
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTX6Rk6zAboQJq65ypX1lrWLi_ORFGcOIRwar5sITIQ2G8X6DOW">
"DUDE. Are you ready… for MY LITTLE PONY!?"
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTn330GF_IfgS1_iWjHxUAp1WHQ7WES7AHNzB3Md4TtH2eYfzxvFQ">
If you don't mind , I'll be hanging out in my bunker of manliness. No offense to the masses, but I'd like my space from Ponyville.
You are welcome to join if you bring your memory of the manliest thing you can remember, and try to keep the MLP stuff to everyone else.
We have table football and shots. Also punching each other and talking about women and blackjack and stuff, I dunno.
Well obviously, Zecora's gonna be Johnson's favorite, but that's just racist…
You know that thing about MLP crossing over with everything? I haven't found any decent KND and MLP crossovers. Someone needs to make this happen. Or just show me one that exists that I haven't found because I didn't look hard enough.
everyone loved halo because bungie loved us… so it was almost like a feeling of friendship through the game :)
now microsoft took over… i dont watch my little pony so i can't bring up an anti friendship comment relevant to them but that's what is happening… anti friendship used for profit O_O
How many more ways can we censor the blue chick?
Master Chief! How could you?! You sell-out! FLUTTERSHY IS BEST PONY!! D<
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/12tKt.jpg">
This is really old but still good ^^
That's it! I'm sick of this! Everywhere I go, this infestation is everywhere! It has nothing to do with games, yet it's here, forced upon by guys who have no better obsession! I'm sick of these annoying unfunny Halo jokes! D:
I won the Twisted Metal tournament, Calypso! I demand my prize!
Calypso: "I see. Well done, driver. You won the contest, and now you are given the prize of one…wish. What is it that you desire?"
I want to see the most brutal FPS games become friends with the most innocent of all creatures!
Calypso: "Meaning…?"
I want Halo and My Little Pony to join forces! Think of all the hate and frustration it will cause to Halo fans! The carnage! The flame wars!
Calypso: "Hmmm…I like the sound of pain towards others…"
Sooo…We got a deal?
Calypso: *laughs evilly* "Your wish…is…granted."
<img src="http://images.wikia.com/halo/images/e/e4/Friendship.png" width="600">
The scary thing is, it's true.
I figured out a way to make everyone play halo again, you just need to install a mod that does this.
<img src="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/239/0/3/mlp_halo_blue_team_by_xeno_scorpion_alien-d4814no.png">
Funny how this comic is also representative of Halolz, i.e. Halo being replaced by ponies.
Oh good, they pre-installed the 'Naked Cortana' mod. Saves us a lot of trouble.
Honestly I was not expecting this to be posted…
Does this mean that there are going to be mounts in the new Halo?
<img src=https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPMD1-AQcGJ0zm-x1ajDc4LVjoo7ob4u32z63kSTcL65H2gX5txwKkAg5A>
<img src="http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-your-argument-is-invalid.jpg">
A halo joke? On Halolz? That's a first.
I agree.
<img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ls7pt0bwsn1qfs9fxo1_500.jpg" width=400>
Dear Prince Shawnlestia,
I demand that April Fools be full of ponies.
Your faithful kiss-ass,
Paulrus Sparkle?
Johnson, you fool, you won't be able to kill anything with that Halo 3 pistol!
On a side note, when I saw this post I noticed it already had 117 comments. Win.
MLP is changing everything that i used to know and love and use the likeness of it as the only punchline in the comics. I want to go back to the old times, Shawn! DA OLD TIMES.
They could've just made the Covenant Bronies to end the war. BUT NOOOO…
Well, if you can't beat them …
How about an epic quote from Schmuddel?
"They can say all they want
But there's a difference:
I don't call myself a "brokémon"
I don't set up groups of avid devotion
I don't post Pokémon shit everywhere I go
I don't have a Pokémon name
I don't spam Pokémon songs
I don't spam groups of people who might not like Pokémon
I don't ask people to watch the anime when they either have no interest or have seen it and don't like it anyway
I don't debase those who think the games are a little stale after doing the same thing for about 20 years
Which is exactly what MLP did except for about 30 years
And frankly, if you don't like Pokémon, I just don't give a fuck."
i hate fuckin MLP and how their infesting our games
…It's not very effective.
<img src="http://images.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw2458-07e.gif" /IMG>
I hate how ponies are getting into everything and ruining alot of stuff…
Check out those VGA cables on the back of that monitor.
Freakin' FUTURISTIC right there.
Careful Master Chief. Publicly picking Rarity is pretty dangerous…
I'm afraid I've got some bad news, boys.
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/j7ERm.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" />
I'm afraid I've got some bad news, boys…
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/j7ERm.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" alt="" />
*inhales deeply* FUCK RARITY