N is the master of sending mixed messages.
By Erenle
Posted by Shawn Handyside on February 18, 2012 · 8:11 AM |
Categories: Advice Meme, Highly Illogical Captain, Irony, Nintendo, Pokémon · Leave a comment () 137 Comments |
See lampshade hanging for Pokemon Black/White on TV Tropes.
I don't have a witty comment, so here's this.
<img src="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/317/3/b/hiimdaisy_pokemon_crossover_joke_by_zerochan923600-d4fzdl5.png">
><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4cvS1pG_6Cw/TykBA08BekI/AAAAAAAAA5k/6_8ztPi7W9k/s1600/but-why-meme-generator-but-why-84103d.jpg">
Why can we not just Fist fight!!
N's hypocrisy is so well-shaped. Maybe he'll be a politician in the next game(s)!
The worst part is that they then lose… badly.
Why would you put yourself through something like that?!?
I have been shown the error of my ways by defeating you horribly, N! You have taught me that annoying twats should be sent to a different continent! *shoots N with a tranquilizer*
Screw the rules, I have green hair!
N=Liberal college girl
If the error of my ways is wrong I do not want to be right.
<img src="http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lito0fsFkk1qivgnso1_400.png">
Duh! I was obviously battling them ironically. Someone like you wouldn't understand
<img src="http://i1074.photobucket.com/albums/w409/Nakarou/aee1249d-21e2-4e2b-ac38-006bc4deb107.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Raise your Pokémon into unbeatable murder machines (the philosophy of Team Rocket).
They love you for it.
Use new Pokémon for every route (the philosophy of N).
They never get to know you properly.
This makes Team Rocket more ethical than Team Plasma.
<img src="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwtt8kGguT1qi3civo1_500.gif" width="300" height="225" /img>
Suck it.
Wants to free all pokemon from pokeballs, doesn't ever free a single one.
N is such a great politician -- I mean pokemon trainer!
Hey at least he releases them after the battle.
You know, except that giant dragon pokemon that's been said to have power over people…
I'd like to point out that whenever you fight him, he uses Pokemon from the surrounding area… so basically he's just asking nearby Pokemon to cooperate with him, and they agree…
Fight fire with fire!
It's not very effective …
Scumbag N.
I'd like to see N wax on with his philosopy, and then bring out a shotgun to intimidate the player into dropping his mons so that N can release them.
It'd be funny at the least.
I think Team Plasma is Nintendo taking the piss out of PETA.
<img src=http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/248/305/bd3.jpg>
N being a metaphorical figure for politicians is as blatantly obvious as saying that Grimer and Gastly can be seen as a entities representing the polution in water and air respectively, or perhaps oil spills in Grimers case. Jynx are promiscuous woman, representing lust or sexual promiscuous hookers, crushed under the icy wrath that caused them to look toward this habit. Miltanks represent men and woman who have a heart, filled with pure evil and wrath, a murderous revenge toward anybody who dare challenge it. Crushing everybody under it's bovine ass when performing a Rollout. Miltanks are evil. Avoid them at all cost. Miltanks are just like Osama Bin Laden… But instead of a huge ass airplane colliding with a building, it's the ass of a cow, mooing with hatred for your Pokemon as it crushes your Typhlosion under it's bovine ass.
Seems legit.
N is still better morally than any other Rival or Team Leader EVER!
Gary: Even though I lost, I still am better than you and have all the girls! *drives away in Pimpmobile*
Silver: Get out of my way, punk! And take off those clothes! *Rips off disguise, leaving you naked*
May/Brendan: Oh I lost, here's a gift! bye
<img src="http://chzichcafterdark.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/funny-pictures-still-on-my-hooves.gif">
And here is an approximation of what it looks like when N is introduced to logic.
Not to date myself, never playing anything past Gold, but…..who's N? Is he the newest rival, or something?
*Please don't thumb me down for this, I'm asking an honest question*
Take it from one hypocrite to another… the trainer you are trying to "educate" will probably forget the lesson as soon as the last of his Pokemon has "fainted".
<img src="http://booru.151chan.org/_images/5f8f16cf596d1fb473807f057b5fe17d/2119%20-%20archie%20cyrus%20giovanni%20maxie%20n%20team_aqua%20team_galactic%20team_magma%20team_plasma%20team_rocket.jpg">
N is just confused. The green hair dye's affecting his brain.
<img src="http://i315.photobucket.com/albums/ll478/Zokort/borded.png">
I shall call it: "What happens to Halolzians when they have nothing to do."
waaaiit a minute.
remember the pokemon white ending credits?
remind you of something? heres a hint:
<img src="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll208/masked-avenger/FileNeverendingstoryposter.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Shh… careful where you say that… Sakuya might not be around, but you never know who might be listeni-
<img src="http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/4936/yumeko2.jpg" height="370" width="370">
Welp, there's Yumeko. Knives are one thing, but have you ever taken a sword to the head before?
N is aquaman for pokemon.
Hey guys! We could use whailords! WHAILORDS!
BULLSHIT bout him Asking
Last battle
Zoroark-motherfucker I WANT ONE
Klink Kang
Reshiram or Zekrom and if the We want poke Grey fags get their way Both-makes him the ultimate sue
Fucker only gets Pokemon that we can't without hacking
And yes I know we can get 1 of the fossil pokemon and that Gear Freak
Well, N knows that pokémon battles are the only thing that freaking ANYONE in that world seems to understand, so he does as little as possible to accomplish his goals and listen to your guys.
There's a reason he never has the same team. He catches them, uses them for one battle, then releases 'em.