Necessity (and repeated pecking injuries) is the mother of invention!
By DjBisparulz, submitted by Sebastian M.

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Categories: Artistic, Cutesy Wutesy, Nintendo, Sequential Art, Shields Up, Tactical Retreat, The Legend of Zelda, Tips & Tricks, Wild Animals ![]() · Leave a comment () 73 Comments ![]() |
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WHY WASN'T THIS A SHIELD OPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's good.
…Now do it with Majora's Mask.
Defend yourself from enemies and scar them for life, what's not to like?
That shield would be so OP.
Unless this is Twilight Princess, then the Stalfos will only turn into cuccos…which didn't make any sense.
……Why the hell did I never think of this? It would have saved me so much trouble.
<img src=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liagnba7fK1qew6kmo1_500.jpg>
Ow Ow Ow Ow!
I'm so happy a friend of mine send this…
That Link ovbiosly have been playing dead rising 2!
*About to post funny comment, randomly starts snowing on Halolz*
Me: WTF!?
It doesn't have a condition bar, right?
sorry i dont know how to use the internet like everyone else here, so i dont know how to make it show up
Good thing Link stopped himself from cutting that blade of grass for one measly rupee.
He'd probably get a better deal for that shield on Beedle's List.
cool thanks
I love the art style :3
I just thought of something…if you can't harm a Cucco without getting mauled to death by a horde of them, how do Hylians get their chicken dinner?
Damn nintendo! This would be amazing!
And if that fails, in the off chance you're fighting at the top of some tower or castle wall, you can use your shield to make a hasty retreat and glide safely down to the bottom!
…Just, make sure there's actually visible ground underneath you. I need not remind you about how far a bottomless pit can go.
I like where this thread is going
I tried that already. It just made me get attacked by Cuccos with shields. :c
Stupid glitchy AI.
Disclaimer: Shield will not function unless fed and exercised regularly.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a cock block.
<img src="http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll208/masked-avenger/Untitled-1-4.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Well that was pretty fu- OH MY GOD THE PAGE IS SNOWING.
Cucco Shield:
Negatives: Cuccos will every now and then try to peck on your skin for food, take dumps on your clothes, lay eggs on you while you're not looking, and become fierce and harder to control during special occassions.
Positives: It's a shield made of Cuccos. Your enemies don't have a chance. Plus you might get laid with the Cucco lady, if she's not too old, unwilling, or appalled by the fact you smell.
This is my humorous cucco comme-HOLY CRAP IT IS SNOWING ON HALOLZ! WHERE HAVE I BEEN?
It snows on Halolz now?!
Grr..hnegh…hnnnng!!! CHRISTMAAAAAASSS!!!!!!
<img src=http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/17235_104125529606172_100000261774254_100053_6397098_s.jpg>
*goes to halolz*
*sees* it snow*
Huh, that's cool, seen it few days before.
* refreshes page to see if anyone commented on my comments*
better idea! tie tingle to your shield!
now every enemy will attack at your shield instead of you!
This is obviously shopped. The chickens would be outside forever in the REALLLL game. Waiting. WATCHING.
No I think the cucco's just really don't like Link.
The only way through that defense is my collection of…. BEEROIDS (Beer x Steroids)
And even with then I must still be able to punch a lion in the face whilst painting a picture of Mila Kunis with my penis, ONLY THEN can I penetrate that dreaded Cucoo shield!
*Jet-packs away to imminent Grizzly Bear sky wrestling match*
With this in mind, it's a shame there aren't Cuccos in Skyward Sword.
Lol if nintendo did this I would use that thing in every dungeon. Arbiters grounds:√ shadow temple:√ ganon/ganondorfs castle:√. Like a boss.>:)