Everything is better with Team Fortress 2 characters… even Nintendo’s Rhythm Heaven!
(Also Nintendo, put the Wii version of this out in the U.S. please!)
Click here to see them all!
By DakkPasserida, submitted by El_bruno
Bonus Stage:
Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 1, 2011 · 11:09 PM |
Categories: Cray-Z Crossovers, Foreign Object, G-g-g-ghost!, Gameboy, Head Shot, Musical, Nintendo, Off Duty, PC, Playstation, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, Teamwork, Uncategorized, Valve Software, Video Clips, Weird, Wii, Xbox 360 · Leave a comment () 56 Comments |
Everything's better with TF2…
rel="nofollow">But everything's best with Old Spice.
Watch as Gabe and Robin also soon develop new hats related to this video…
aaaaaaany day now.
"Submitted by El_bruno" rel="nofollow">…..
<img src="http://fast1.onesite.com/capcom-unity.com/user/el_bruno/b17b3ce6ae383899d62c671b8fab018c.png?v=34125">
…Wait a minute, what does that newspaper say? (…) "Soldier marries gardevoir"
I guess I have no choice…..
<img src="http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/9586/28e75d9ea4d74bd9bb3e154.png">
At the end of the first one, did I see a soldier in an Imperium hat?
Soldier must have killed an inquisitor and took it from him.
Surprisingly I can't find a TF2 related version so I'll just have to say it.
*Go to CoF, still down, spirits down*
*Come to Halolz, watch the videos, spirits up*
And so, more people decide to test out Rhythm Heaven… Shawn decides to save up for Rhythm Heaven Fever (the official US release name of Rhythm Heaven Wii) and the RH Craze is back again. So folks, decide to send your money to Nintendo next year, with a healthy dose of Rhythm Heaven! Buy, Halolz-man! For everlasting Rhythm!
(Although I have to say, about damn time, Shawn! This makes me happy.)
It's even better (or worse) when playing both at the same time and perfectly synced.
is it bad that i can only think of the porno flash everytime i hear the wrestler interview song?
…..the Mexican wrestler sweat was probably drowning the press at the end…..flawless fatality…multikill
I'm in that weird part of youtube again… *checks URL*
I'm in that weird part of Halolz now, either way it's the perfect way to procrastinate and not do that paper due tomorrow D:
IDK, is it just me or does the Rhythm Heaven series seem similar to WarioWare? The relationship seems uncanny…
In other news Who else is excited about Garrys mod 13?
Lady, I don't think the Old Spice guy speaks Japanese. You're starting to make him angry, he's tried to punch you, what, twenty times now?
I've been wanting Rhythm Tengoku on the Wii for ages… still waiting for an english version
I like the Terry Crews one better. And for those who don't know, America is getting this game in February.
And Harry Partridge says rhythm games are evil.
Phhht. Yeah right.
I guess "Dikki dikki dikki dikka da?" is Rythmish for "Old Spice can't block BO for over 16 hours."
Only explanation for why she was gettin' punched so much
When you can take a punch from Terry Cruz….. everyone around you better fucking run.
I love how japs can make something really funny and catchy, in terms of music and videos…
And I love how gamers make it even better by putting TF2 in it! :D
I saw a version of this involving anal sex.
Shit was cash.
and then someone made porn for it
This is awesome, nuff' said.
I cant believe that team fortress has come this far… so incredible and so fricking stupid…
its amazing how far TF2 has come… amazingly retarded……