Wii Sports Resort requires a lot more waggle than one might expect.
Will he defeat his AI opponent? Find out next time… on DRAGON BALL ZEEEEEE!!
By Psyguy!

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Categories: Animated, Anime, Nintendo, No Caption Needed, Off Duty, Special Attacks, Systems, TV Shows, Wii ![]() · Leave a comment () 95 Comments ![]() |
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And that how everyone will play skyward sword when it will come out.
I'm surprised I had not seen something like this before, and the Wii has been out for years. now. =/
I call bullshit on this one. The Wii isn't plugged in.
Hey lets invite Frieza over to ………. rel="nofollow">never mind.
<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3269/2586812496_bc464a38cc.jpg">
Is like what I do when something fall out my hands
<img src="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldrgbyoBjZ1qbnnslo1_500.gif">
He needs to train if he is gonna beat Android 360.
Goku vs Trunks in Wii bowling? Something Dragon ball Z related I'd actually like to see…
I look just like this when I'm playing Tenkaichi 3
Could you imagine if he was playing Brawl? He'd be using Mario and something like this would happen.
Too bad the Wii takes several episodes to turn on and load, otherwise it would be great!
He's so good he doesn't even need the Wii connected up to win at Wii Sports Resort.
yes, i see remarkable craftsmanship in this post
<img src="http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/3/36630/729009-king_cold6_super.jpg" width="300" />
Doesn't he know how danerous it is to operate a Wiimote without the proper wrist strap. Trunks is asking for trouble.
I admit. This is one of my legitimate lol I've ever had with Wiimote joke.
Heeey, Macarina!
If he doesn't beat Cell's high score it'll be the end of all of us!
i bet its chuck norris he's fighting
*next season*
Trunks: Yes! I finally defeated the Wii! The Earth is safe!
???: And now I, new evil person guy, am here to destroy Earth!
Trunks: It can't be!
Playstation3: Yes! It is I! Playstation Three! HAHAHAHAHA *laughs for another six episodes*
The most badass character to ever walk across my television screen (on Toonami) as a child …uses Burning Attack once, never again, and then in Dragonball GT becomes a pansy…*sigh* this at least gives me fond memories…
Note he isn't using the Wii Motion Plus. So, either he's flailing about not accomplishing anything, or he wins so much at everything, this isn't an issue at all.
Either way, it's almost hypnotic.
Must be good at WII Boxing.
He must be a Wii Tennis champ!
Fist Of The North Star, anyone?
Epic setup. Epic punchline.
I wouldn't call that waggle. I'm not sure what I would call that, actually. It needs a name.
Great stuff. My girlfriend, the biggest DBZ fan I know, laughed until she couldn't breathe. Great stuff.
The Wii and Dragonball Z
2 things that no one uses in jokes anymore
1. Watch image
2. Play this, then continue to view image. rel="nofollow">
3. ???
4. Profit
I guess Trunk's body is ready for Skyward Sword.
What? Space Duck Hunt can get pretty intensive.
It's a real wonder on how he's playing the Wii without it being plugged in.
(ie Bet his score is over 9000;
Don't worry about that time limit, you really have about 120 minutes(4 episodes);
He came from the future to beat his dad's score so the future him would have to… wait why did he come from the future?;
that game is so unfair cell gets 3 lives while you only get one)
By the way, " rel="nofollow">Egoraptor has done the best yet laziest parody of DBZ i have ever seen.
I would use a OVER 9000 joke…but I'm far to classy for that….
I wouldn't want to play Wii Sports with him, though. It'd take him five hours to select what game he wanted to play. YELLING ALL THE WHILE.
Oh hey, Psyguy.
He's still around, eh?
That actually looks like some intense wario ware moves! http://techepics.com/files/success.jpg
3 Episodes later….And not much has changed.
This is what it looks like when you play a GOOD wii game.
For example, Red Steel 2 on Hard…good times, good times.
Anyone else worried that Trunks had to go Super Saiyan to get the Wii-mote to respond? What are we supposed to do?
and so Trunks defied the laws of science and gave the Wii a Red Ring of Death