When your dreams look like this, there’s a good chance you’ve been playing too many old video games!
By DarkTwist
Here’s a YouTube version if it’s more convenient!

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Categories: Arcade, Bionic Commando, Bomberman, Capcom, Chill Out, Contra, Cray-Z Crossovers, Mega Man, Metroid, NES, Nintendo, Pac-Man, Power-Ups, Retro, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Special Attacks, Stop... Hammer Time, Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Under the Sea, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment () 51 Comments ![]() |
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Man, I wish I had a fish to ride in the underwater Super Mario stages.
Also, anyone else expected those hands at the end to combine and form Master Hand or a Floor/Wall Master?
Would anyone else play a game like this?
Megaman X hadouken… shouldn't he have started with that?
So I'm not the only one with dreams like that? Sweet!
FAKE! He didn't jump through the boss doors!
He also lives on a planet where the sun comes out at night :O
When I first saw the title, I thought "Oh great, another submission that's only 'cool' because it has video games in it, with little thought put into continuity, direction, art style, etc."
When I first saw the video, I thought:
<img src="http://chanarchive.org/content/94_sci/450705/1267848718959.jpg">
I only have dreams like that when i have bad mushrooms, and even then, i only ever end up in….
<img src="http://fashionablygeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/mario-mushroom.jpg">
Huh, anyone, anyone?
Aw hell, i'll be in the basement….
Dear nintendo,
plz make this game
Bubbleman? The final boss? Must be a dream…
If i had 3 powers per level i wouldn't get hit either.
Hold on a mo' Is that the theme from Haunted Hallways during the pac-man stage
Once again I become guilty that I was born in the wrong time period and missed the 8-bit era.
Hell, I was born in 1995 and my taste of games up till 2005 were RTS games like Rome Total War, Mech Commander 2 and some other games that escape my memory.
Most shamefully of all, I thought that Home Consoles were a gimmick and that the Gameboy Advance, Colour and SP were the Zenith of games.
Little Nemo The Dream Master, Balloon Fight, AND Dig Dug reference?
I have never cried this much before now…
This was a pure nostalgic trip next to The Wii Didn't Start The Fire.
I honestly have nothing for this…. uuh… That sort of reminded me of the Scott Pilgrim game… The Scott Pilgrim game was pretty good.
I saw the title in my RSS feed and I though "Ooh, is there finally a sequel?" But no, it's just the same thing I saw on Newgrounds a year ago. That said, it's still awesome, and it looks like it might have gotten a new coat of polish since then. Going back and watching it again, I find I get just a few more of the references to actual games (though still not quite all of them.) It's still fun to watch again, and it does deserve a place on this site, so I'm happy to see it show up.
I actually do dream with retro graphics on occasion, though typically from a later era than 8-bit. However, even then, I'm still not awesome enough to beat all those levels without taking a hit.
I'm lucky. My dreams are in 16bit-high polygon 3d.
…this is probably the best submission we've had in a long time.
Is it me are is this the best fucking thing i have ever seen in my entire life
I remember seeing this on Newgrounds like a year ago.
Moron chose the worst possible path and ending. If you go THROUGH the Pac-Man stage, rather than just beating it, you can get to Cinnabar Island and challenge Bowser to mortal combat. He drops the Bo Staff and that gives you the ability to impersonate Donatello and convince the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to fight Dedede. After that, the Warp Star takes you to the final stage at the Biologic Space Laboratories to fight Dracula as the final boss.
Ending cutscene involves some sort of doctor/ninja person, makes no sense but is totally awesome. Also guarantees you the "STAGE N4" rating.
Mind = Blown
He has better dreams then I do.
My dreams are filled with space cores, ponys,hats, and creepers.
I really need to give this website a break.
That was beautiful <3<3<3
When I have nightmares, I get a combination of Superman 64 and E.T for the Atari 2600.
I…Don't want to talk about them.
Anyone else notice that there's no castlevania or sonic tag on this? (uses the castlevania whip and axe, Sonic BGM is used in the water/fish riding section)