My friend Jen is a perfect example of this… I think she’d do anything Martin asked her as long as he asked with his usual British charm!
By Eless [CoolApe], submitted by Mr. Dollar

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Categories: Artistic, Awkward Moments, Foreign Object, Off Duty, Portal, Robots, Sequential Art, True Love, Valve Software, Weak Points ![]() · Leave a comment () 103 Comments ![]() |
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Well we brits are more sexy than hot skitty on wailord action
I gave that bitch an English accent.
Bitches love English accents.
Then I gave her a lemon.
Things went down hill from there.
Oh God, obsessive Portal fans with ovaries. I never realized how unlucky Stephen Merchant is.
Suddenly, those years of watching American TV make me want to kill myself. MY POOR ACCENT HAS SUFFERED
*Girl approaches Stephen*
Stephen: Hey, what's your name?
Girl: *jumps*
Stephen: Okay, what you're doing there is jumping. Never mind, say "apple."
Girl: *jumps again*
Little did those fans know that the accent was a lie.
I misread his name as Stephen Magnet so many times.
WARNING: Not effective in Britain.
Tall, check. Gangly, check. British, check.
I'm moving to the US.
hey hey hey, there's nothing wrong with a johny depp, especially after this
until i can figure out how to embed images url will suffice http://www.mobytalkies.com/wp-content/uploads/201…
Seriously though… rel="nofollow">how can anyone say no to him?
I'm sad for my British accent, it's not the sexy one, it's a very broken Scots one, thanks to American Tv, movies, and video games I don't sound like anyone anymore.
That and I'm mute, thanks Valve for that
Which begs the question, how does one keep rabid fangirls at bay?
I'm thinking a reworked version of the Fallout 3 Repellent Stick.
<img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_qroOKmu3WvY/SckTRttMAgI/AAAAAAAAAGs/19oD5RJccX4/s200/screamapillar.png">
1. Learn to emulate a British accent by watching many, MANY British television programs and films.
2. Make yourself look presentable (See: tall and gangly).
3. Find a place full of non-British women looking for a mate.
4. Get yourself a date easily due to previous steps.
5. At the end of the date, reveal your true accent.
6. Rinse and repeat to fuck with their minds.
<img src="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/096/0/b/british_troll_face_by_lunchmonster-d3dcdw0.png" /img>
I say, is there a complication? Are you angered, by Jove?
Ahm prouud to have a bitish accent :3 I shall cherish it
I *may* follow in my sisters footsteps and spend my gap year in Ireland (land of the extended family) solely to replace my growing London/Jafaican accent for an Irish one.
Is that a good idea or is it doomed to make me another grumpy Hibernian?
You have now read every single comment to this picture in Wheatley's voice.
You should see how many chicks David Tennet gets ;D
I call your Stephen Merchant, and raise you one Nolan North.
Bitches love the space.
Tall: Check
Gangly: Check
British: ……How far will "from Tennessee" get me?
Can't blame the bitches. Wheatley was a pretty cool guy, funny too.
Then the ball of scrap backstabbed Chell and punched her down a pit with a talking potato.
Vince McMahon?
At least he's not a moron…
The girl with the black hair in the first panel of the comic looks like an employee I used to work with. 0_o;
So it seems like 1 out 3 girls are gamers.
What? didn't you get that out today's comic?
a girl I'm friends with has found herself Merchant-crazy as well. It's funny XD
Wait, I thought bitches love Dragonite. But apparently bitches love British accents no matter what they come out of.
Sorry Australian is the sexiest accent of all time.
What? Its British Accents now? Just when I spent all my game corner tokens of a Dragonite…….
The moment he gets a sore throat, karma's gonna nail him in the ass.
Wait, is that Shaun Hastings???
I thought Killing Floor is suppose to be a video game that makes British accent so popular?
It's actually a Scottish or Irish accent, I can't really discern the difference.