Sometimes you just have to sit back and wonder… how did the Pokemon manga turn out so hardcore and the TV show turned out so mediocre and uneventful? I can tell you who’s fault it isn’t… Gary “Mother Fucking” Oak’s!
Submitted by Darth_Destro

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Categories: Anime, Charts & Graphs, Depressing, Failure, Nintendo, Pokémon, Strike A Pose, TV Shows ![]() · Leave a comment () 252 Comments ![]() |
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Ash -- almost always drawn to model in fan-art
RED -- almost always drawn to look way cooler than he is.
Yes, Ash stinks and probably will NEVER become a Pokemon master. But you know what he DID do?
He defeated an omnicidal genetic experiment, prevented the world from falling into imbalance and being destroyed, befriended the progenitor of the entire pokemon species, traveled in time to meet his mentor as a kid, stopped an alien from being destroyed by a rampaging dragon, prevented an antimatter ghost from invading the mortal realm, learned how to use a power only Pokemon normally can, and helped the purported creator of the Pokemon world change his view on humans. At the very least Ash saw the world -- RED only ran around Kanto before climbing up a mountain and staying there for 3 years.
Red is not this bad-ass Pokemon trainer that destroys villians for a hobby, he's a 10-year-old boy who loves playing with animals and got caught up in a mafia's scheme because he went through Mt. Moon at the wrong time. RED is Ash, but better at training and with less personality.
who's his mentor? who's the progenitor of the species. what does that even mean? who's the creator of pokemon? what alien did he prevent from being destroyed. who were all those people.
That’s not Manga Red you bastard, he wears his cap backwards. Why is it that there are people who think “Pokémon Special!” whenever they see a character from the games?
That’s NOT Manga Red, you morons. Get your eyes checked, its the GAMES’ Red.
Red is much better because he didn't need help from Gym Leaders!!!LOL!!! plus they suck they couldn't take down team rocket throughout the whole anime series
Half of the "important" shit Ash did happened in movies and so it's not part of the actual canon storyline… wait, does the anime even have a storyline? O_O
Every episode is just him walking into some shitty town, meeting some old dude and his son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter, and proceeds to beating up Team Shithead's giant retarded robot.
^ Every fucking episode in a nutshell ^
-.-… Ash = Red….. Red is Ash but in later years, Manga Red = Cartoon Ash its the same person just diffrent names, When you meet up with Red it's Ash but a more mature, stronger and quieter form. Blue = Gary in the game btw as well, get your story's straight before batching/praising the same person, seems kinda bipolar talking smack on the same person while worshiping him it the same time…
^ obviously did not read the manga and is pulling facts out of ass
ill make this really obvious for ppl to remember
Ash's 1st pokemon: pikachu
Red's 1st pokemon: poliwag
//your name fits you perfectly, cause you are Lost.
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Red is fucking awesome! Also a fun way to troll Pokemon fans is by telling them that Red and Ash are the same person. It really makes them RAGE!
also,didnt red also caught legendary pokémons? i remember him catchin’ articuno with his 6-pack. Ash cant do shit.
Wait wait wait, Red from the game or Red from Pokemon Adventures? Because in the Manga Red takes down Team Rocket with the help of Green and Blue. I am currently reading the manga now and I got to say, the characters are more lovable the action is better and pokemon and people actually die.
Ash: visits to morn dead pokemon
Red: visits to fight dead pokemon
Anyway,gold didn't capture EVERY SINGLE POKEMON. I don't remember him catching Arceus. Anyway,Red in GAME or MANGA can beat ash,So manga red's team:Venusaur,Poliwrath,Aerodactyl,Pikachu,Snorlax,and Espeon. and Game Red's team is Lapras,Charizard,Blastoise,Venusaur,Snorlax,and Pikachu. Where Ash's Best team is Charizard,Pikachu (even though it lost to a LVL 5 SNIVY!),snorlax,Sceptile,infernape,and Heracross. Red would actullay beat Ash.
blablabla.. red is the leader of pokedex holder and also known as a fighter by prof oak..
in manga he always not easy to give up.. for the correction.. red not only spend his time at mt silver.. he also help Gold fight with masked man in JOHTO.. only based on the game he just cannot say anything and sleep and eat at mt silver.. and only in the game GOLD can defeat RED… but… NOT IN MANGA..
ash dont catch no lengendary's but i still like ask cause he catches alot of pokemon
It’s Ash for me.
The way ppl switch from game red to manga is kinda bogus. If so why not switch from Ash in the anime to HIS counterparts aswell? I mean yeah Ash’s character is still 10 he’s only one the orange league and battle frontier. But let’s remember here that’s the creator’s fault. Plus counting the movies (which are canon) Ash is pretty badass in his own right. It’s just the creators don’t have the sense to have any development for him.
No offense to those that prefer Red manga or game, I respect your opinion.
Wow that was odd. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well, I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways, just wanted to say it's a fantastic blog you have here! Hope you can get to see mine at Tecreals and Makeoverarena