Final Fantasy sure don’t have a shortage of Japanese pretty boys to cast in this show!
By ArtmasterRich

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Categories: Final Fantasy, Off Duty, Playstation, Square Enix, TV Shows ![]() · Leave a comment () 64 Comments ![]() |
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How to combo break this chain, Make the next Male Protagonist have a crazy mustache in a shape of the crescent moon.
you call that FASHION?!?!
<img src=http://www.ihatebryanboy.com/bryanboy/images/071306_lovetyra4.jpg>
just be glad this guy isn't participating.
<img src="http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/3/31/Butz_Dissidia_CG_render.png" width="133" height="392">
Low cut tank top, tights, jeweled everything and a skirt. Bartz Klauzer ladies and gentlemen. It's been worse.
Needs moar Kain Highwind.
"pretty Japanese boys"
It's times like this when we question Shawn's sexuality…
So this is how square is financing Final Fantasy XIV through MCMXCIV (14 to 1994 for those who don't know the roman numeral system).
Attention fellow halolzians we have a -1 troll in the base! To arms!
Though it may be only my own opinion, this crossover should not exist.
Final Pony Fantasy (Final Pontasy?), however…..
Also the only main protagonist to consistently wear full armor.
I've beaten Final Fantasy I through X. I'm almost done with XII (thank God). And I'm about half-way through XIII. Yet, I have no idea who the guy is in the front and center of the picture.
there's a reason my screen-name internet-wide has "Paladin"
and it's not because I'm lawful good, that's for sure
Silence, vermin
<img src=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_mmBw3uzPnJI/S_5H91qKeCI/AAAAAAABSjU/fefxqKFb7qo/s1600/Haters_Gonna_Hate_05.jpg>
It's true!
I barely survived their "attack", and that was just for sonic fangirls. We are doomed if the FF fangrils come here!
And that's not even getting into all the generic space marines we've got running about now…
Man I almost died laughing when I saw this.
And on another note -- why is the TF2 server password’d right now?
almost died of laughter when I saw this. So many metrosexual heroes.
Why is the TF2 server password'd?
So… he's Final Fantasy's Chuck Norris and Captain Falcon? 0.o
I think the Brother Begs to Differ.
<img src="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101026060113/finalfantasy/images/archive/e/ed/20101218053927!Golbez%28Dissidia_012%29.png" />
http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/9/9d/… Hopefully Intense Debate doesn't eat this one
And here are the guest judges for season two!
Sprites =/= Automatically bad graphics
Pokemon sprites FTW.
AS-90's to your positions!
And to think… Yuj gets bonus points for advertising his home-world considering his unique hairstyle!
Maybe should of said a crazy mustache to match his crazy hair.
is that one out already?
My life is now complete.
woa woa woa, back this train up, those are guys? i've always thought they were butch chicks
If anyone needs me, I'll be over there.
Putting blood back into my nose.
It's because of sh!t like this that makes me prefer Dragon Quest.
The art in each game is done by Akira Toriyama, FYI.
You can't automatically tell that's Kefka?
I fear for the younger generation…..
Edit: Oh cool I just got 69
Needs more Kefka.
How about someone who looks like Sasquatch only slightly more hairy…. that will make for an interesting love story…. if there is one left after that anyway…