You probably thought Professor Oak kept that last starter Pokemon for himself. Well you’re DEAD WRONG! I mean who needs another mouth to feed around the lab anyway?
Another original video by Dorkly!

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Categories: Depressing, Gameboy, Nintendo, Pokémon, Video Clips ![]() · Leave a comment () 96 Comments ![]() |
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Get Sara McLaughlan on the phone. Maybe she and the ASPCA can help this cause.
Great. Now I feel sorry for them since I always go for Fire Starter…
It only died because Oak is a Nuzlocker.
This also explains why he never battles, why he has so much back-story, and why he needs you to travel for him. He can't train Pokemon because they'll die. This probably drove him mad, hence the incredible amnesia (can't remember his grandson's name, or his best grandson's best friend's name and gender), solitary lifestyle, and this video here. He's fighting with madness because he's unable to train for his profession, and now has psychopathic desires!
Somebody call officer Jenny! Send her to my house!
Oh yeah, and get some therapist for Oak too I suppose.
How many times must he have done this to get to lvl 62 by only killing lvl 1 pokèmon? Maybe killing them gives you more xp than just making them faint…
We ought to fix this problem by having three trainers pick at a time. The main character, the rival, and a creepy boy who follows both around drooling and snapping photos at inopportune moments. Wait, that's not much better a fate for the third pokemon…
So wait…Oak tosses the bodies of dead pokemon, wrapped in trashbags, into the garbage. Seeing that several pokemon have what would be considered supernatural powers, it's not a stretch to think that they're bodies have supernatural components as well, and the decomposition of said bodies could set off all kinds of reactions with the surrounding materials: garbage, in this instance. Adding this to the theory that all Ghost Type Pokemon are in fact, ghosts of once-living pokemon, implying that the spirit of a dead pokemon has the capability to retain altered form and sentience…
…is it not possible that, with the combination of a decomposing pokemon body surrounded by garbage, combined with its spirit somehow trapped in the trashbag its body was encased it…we'd wind up with something like this guy here?
So wait…Oak tosses the bodies of dead pokemon, wrapped in trashbags, into the garbage. Seeing that several pokemon have what would be considered supernatural powers, it's not a stretch to think that they're bodies have supernatural components as well, and the decomposition of said bodies could set off all kinds of reactions with the surrounding materials: garbage, in this instance. Adding this to the theory that all Ghost Type Pokemon are in fact, ghosts of once-living pokemon, implying that the spirit of a dead pokemon has the capability to retain altered form and sentience…
…is it not possible that, with the combination of a decomposing pokemon body surrounded by garbage, combined with its spirit somehow trapped in the trashbag its body was encased it…we'd wind up with something like this guy here?
At Lv 1, I wouldn't want it either.
Because imprisoning them in a digital box when you're only going to use six Pokemon is a better moral decision.
<img src="http://emotibot.net/pix/1889.jpg">
Good night, unused starters… we will never forget you…
Professor oak is DEAD serious when dealing with eutanasia.
Wait a sec…..Bulbasaur is a part Poison type Pokemon, he should be immune to the Potassium chloride that Oak injected into him
those eyes…those piercing, bulbasaur eyes…… fine! have my cookie! just stop looking at me like that!!
Hey, at least Shawn’s finally acknowledging things they get from Dorkly. *cough*Facebook Attorney*cough*
I'm do sorry Bulbasaur,Chikorita, Treecko and Infernape!
Wait aren't all the starters level 5!?!
Then Green walks in and says
"Hey Gramps! I'm here for my pokemon!"
This is why I only use ghost types.
Approached was misspelled.
I…I actually cried a little there.
So whenever I go back to the Pokemon lab and checked the last Pokeball, it was actually empty?
Why didn't he just give me the last Pokemon? :(
rel="nofollow"> Obligatory.
Thankfully, this was no longer a problem as of Generation IV, as all 3 starters are in use.
But if this is true, why is that pokeball (which is still full when you examine it) still there for all eternity?
My heart broke cause Bulbasaur was my very first poke'mon when i was a weee little girl ;-;
How could someone let a Mudkip die like that? The only Pokemon listed at the end of the video that deserves to die is Oshawott. But not Mudkip!
i dont beleive it, how could throw away my mudkip. do these people not like their mudkipz???
Oh… That answers my question. (See this post: http://www.halolz.com/2010/11/03/advice-oak-bulba…
*removes beret, stands to attention, salutes*
The worst part is that Oak is level 62, just think of how many times he's done this
Wait. Why are the best ones shown at the end? I can't live without my Liquid (the) Oshawott!
Bianca may have been stupid, but she was still less annoying than Brendan/May.
Oh, crap. I just realized that the latter games tend to let you pick even more Pokemon from these professors.
He doesn't even have an excuse now, he's just killing for the lulz.
Jeez, even I liked that! I think it would be better with that one chick and that shitty song that comes on and ruins your mood when you're watching comedy central though…
OBJECTION! Bulbasaur was given to Blue's sister Green an hour after he and Red left Prof. Oak's lab! YOU LOSE, YOU GET NOTHING! GOOD DAY, SIR!
well there goes my happy mood…
Is it bad that 3 of the 5 pokemon listed at the end of the video are the ones I've chosen over the years?
Had I not had to put my first dog down a week back, I would have found it funny.