Some people like a challenge. Not me though, I like my games nice and easy!
By CollegeHumor

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Categories: Aliens, Arcade, Atari, Bad Ideas, Contra, Genesis, Heavy Weapons, Kickin' It, Konami, Mario Kart, Mii's, Mortal Kombat, Moving Violations, Namco, NES, Nintendo, Overkill, Pac-Man, Pong, Punch Out, Racing, Rare, Retro, Secret Items, Sega, Smashy Smashy, SNES, Sonic the Hedgehog, Space Invaders, Taito, Teamwork, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Wii, Williams/Midway ![]() · Leave a comment () 119 Comments ![]() |
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This is way easier than the pong game shown in this video.
Looks like Youtube doesn't appreciate Easy Mode…
also, inb4iisymodojokes
Well, I guess the pieces all fell into place for that Tetris player.
Wants a damn burrito, damn it.
I must've missed that Contra cheat code…
Battletoads? BEATABLE?!!
Civ: you get nukes first turn
i liked the part where he won
Turns out you are the paraplegic kid in the wheelchair, and as Scorpion delivers the kick, he dies of a heart attack.
The paraplegic kid has a DeathNote.
Minecraft: Start off in the nether with obsidian tools, house and armour. No creepers.
Man, now nintendo is forcing me to eat burritos! What other parts of my life will they try to take over?
Even the worlds hardest game had a super easy mode http://www.mabuhaynet.com/games/easiest-game.php
Easy Mode, as done by modern games!
Devil May Cry: Dante feels damage about as well as he does in cutscenes.
God of War: Kratos isn't diverted by locked doors or traps every ten steps.
Doom 3: Start with an overclocked BFG 9000.
Prince of Persia: Low gravity enabled.
Uncharted: Also low gravity enabled.
Halo: Instead of giving you the crappiest guns ever, the UNSC actually gives you an attack helicopter and a Spartan Laser. Which they conveniently left all on Reach for some reason and took none to Halo.
Final Fantasy: Its a linear hallway with stripped down combat and the ability to dodge enemy encounters….wait.
Well, apparently there's a Flash version that lets you take a Minigun to that stupid dog, so we're close.
Fool! We don't even need miniguns, we have GameGenies!
If Pokemon had a super easy mode, you would play as
For mario, we could have: "Oh Mario, The Princess is in this castle." The end!
Or, Alternatively: "Dear Mario: Please come to the Castle. I have baked a cake for you."
*Mario arrives at Castle*
*Cake was Eaten*
The end.
I know I'd play em.
Mega Easy mode: Press start to win.
Is there an extremely easy mode? That 9-year old kid with leukemia keeps kicking my ass and the burrito gives me indigestion.
How about for the Super Easy version Super Mario Bros., when you finally face Bowser, all you have to do is hit a switch and the bridge falls out from underneath Bowser….wait a minute….
They have a duck hunt map on GMod.
This remind anyone of the new Angry Videogame Nerd video that came out recently?
"I invented a new button, called the Beat a Game button! Just plug in the game, press the button… *presses* and you won! Awesome, right?"
Big Rigs Over the Road Racing for PC is one of the 'instant winner' game..
'You're winner!"
Lies, Even on Super Easy mode Battletoads would be unbeatable
I was feeling good today, until I saw Battletoads. Now, I feel like I have to rage quit every game I play today.
"Pokemon Red: Super Easy Mode"
Pick a Pokemon; battle/defeat Blue; go to Viridian City, get Oak's parcel; return said parcel; enter Oak's lab and receive a completed pokedex; [optional steps… pass go; collect $200]; proceed to Mt. Silver and… CHILL… for three years!
yep, that's my life story for you.
Professor Layton and the Curious Village Super Easy Mode: Start game with a metal detector.
Shawn also likes his women nice and easy.
Achievement: Die/lose
Oddly enough, the hardest achievement known to man.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood super easy mode: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.
(Seriously. Easy game was way too easy… except when it was bitchy.)
Portal easy mode: You start at a bakery that has free cake as part of a promotional offer.
If this get any more easy, it will be your mother.
My mom showed me this a while back with the comment, "I could play video games if they were like this."
Just thought of this one:
"ET on Super Easy Mode" (yes the unholy ET from 1983)
You open the box of the game, having just bought it, and it digs itself a hole in a desert and sits there for all eternity
Except for that kid with Leukemia. That poor bastard will never win.
You know what's next? rel="nofollow"> rel="nofollow">;
Even The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has a super-easy mode. Download Project64 (it’s an emulator). Download a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ROM. [all of this from “http://www.coolrom.com/” ] Then turn on the following cheats from the system menu:
1. Infinite everything
2. Have everything
3. press Left button to fly