Oh Ditto! You got me again! Well time to take another half-breed baby into the lab incinerator!
By BrokenTeapot, submitted by Mike G. and Me That One Guy

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Categories: Adult Situations, Artistic, Awkward Moments, Disguises, Disturbing, It's A Trap!, Nintendo, Off Duty, Pokémon, Sequential Art, Weird ![]() · Leave a comment () 193 Comments ![]() |
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I'm sorry -- how does it end? I only got to the second panel, and can't get past the boobs.
"Goodbye ma, goodbye pa, and goodbye girlfriend's breasts…"♫♪♫♪
Damn…that's now stuck in my head…
That was probably a male ditto.
Ditto is genderless.
Counter Piont: In the pokemon game Pokemon Emerald ditto had both a male and female gender sign depending upon where you captured it. Yet it still acted as a pokemon cloner when taken to a poke-ranch to breed regardless of the other pokemons gender.
Ditto doesn't have a gender, so it can't be male!
I guess this explains where Jynx comes from too.
Now I regret knocking that eyebleach/iBleach off of the cliff
It'll come when Gold beats the Elite Four. (Oak came…[with Red's mom] earlier, so I figure that there's a chronological order to this)
A Ditto's fine too.
I find it rather amusing. Ugly, but amusing.
See? This is what happens when you fuck with nature. (Sorry. This is the best that I can come up with when I see this Eldritch Abomination.
So THAT'S how Missingno was created…
Or is it going to be a second Missingno?
Why am I reminded of the shemale robot from Futurama?
So this is what Gary Motherfucking Oak's father looked like. Werd.
That Ditto wouldn't resist Gary Oak's girth.
Guess that explains what'd happen if someone had sex with a pokemon
Hey, it could've taken an even more ugly form
*imagines it*
Yup, we should be grateful we only got this image
*reach for the Brain Bleach*
The last pokemon is MAN!
Dear. God.
I follow the great Duke in these following words:
"Hell, I'd still hit it!"
I can't imagine if this happened in Day-Care. That old lady will surely dies from shocking…so does the trainer.
Been there done that.
mayne…. dat doc didn't feel anythin gelly when he waz doin it..
maybe it waz hiz 1st time…
Damn you oak! the new pokemon Oatto is a peverted ditto! may mankind curse you!
Its Dittoak
Sure it would be great and all, But Ditto can only learn 4 sexual positions at a time!
I guess he’ll just have to *shades* study that.
How come when a pokemon wants to breed with a ditto people are okay with it, BUT WHEN A HUMAN WANTS TO BREED PEOPLE ACT LIKE WE'R-oh wait no I mean't, PEOPLE ACT LIKE THEY'RE CRAZY! Pheww, that'll throw em off the trail.
Quick, shoot it with the M-90 Cain! HOLY SHIT IT'S MARTIN SHEEN.