Should it worry me that this song sums up my entire life in four minutes? Nah…
By PopeFriction, submitted by KHPandaZ and smashpro1
Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 15, 2010 · 10:21 PM |
Should it worry me that this song sums up my entire life in four minutes? Nah…
By PopeFriction, submitted by KHPandaZ and smashpro1
Posted by Shawn Handyside on December 15, 2010 · 10:21 PM |
68 Responses to “[VIDEO] The Wii Didn’t Start the Fire”
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The Wii also didn't start the Flame War, either.
Let's see Jack-o make a song this clever.
*Blow in cartridge for 15 minutes*
*Play for 5 minutes*
*Start the process over*
Man, those were the days! Kids these days no nothing of commitment!
For some reason i have the unspeakable urge to get drunk and drive into a tree… wonder why.
(if any of you young'ins get this ill be surprised)
The wii may not have started the fire but it did…
Start a Revolution
Chick at 1:06 can blow my cartridge anyday
This song was so awesome that it sent me to a DREAM LAND where i started a ROCK BAND, and we BUNGIE jumped off a mountain, although the cord broke and when i woke up i had a RED RING for a HALO, turns out i wasnt in heaven but i was in some sort of SIM CITY controlled by a employee slacking off at MARIO's pizza kitchen. sadly godzilla attacked the city i was sent packing on the OREGON TRAIL but i had to stop when i saw ANIMALs CROSSING the road. i finnally crossed the us where i arrived at a little place called E3 and was greeted by HALF LIFE 3.
and then i woke up
this song has so much nostalgia that even my 50 year old dad thinks it's awsome. oh crud.
This kicks the ass of mankind's evolution.
Yes i am aware this is technically part of mankind. Video Games are THAT awesome.
Dammit, not dysentery again!
I…I…I came!
…to say that I miss the old cartridge blowing. It's amazing how far we've gotten with video games. I can't say I remember the original Nes but I do remember the Snes.
Remember when Sega would give Nintendo a run for their money? Now they're just doing their best to make good games, mostly absorbed by Nintendo. Remember the old and bulky Gameboy? Now people are cross-eyed with dual-screen technology of the DS line.
Remember when games were about quality of gameplay and story than quality of graphics? Now it's completely reversed and I weep for this new generation that would have missed the magic if it were not for emulation.
You want to know who started the fire? It was Xehanort!
That bothered me, too, but I shrugged it off.
It's times like this that I wish I can remember that far back.
On the plus side: I get to say that I've been gaming longer than I can remember.
The wii didn't start the fire, but now you have to put it out by waving your arms like a maniac
Video games will never be the same.
It must have been a bitch to have to tag everything in this video.
kinda lost me toward the end since while most people had moved on to the playstation, and even playstation 2 I still had an N64… and very few games on it to boot….. being poor kinda sucks… ) :
This just went over 14 weeks of my history of gaming class in four minutes. Makes me wonder how we managed to stretch it out that long. But man do I love those games.
Zelda was mentioned. Twice. That automatically makes this video good in my book.
But to add almost every other thing I've ever heard of? Amazing.
Points for Galaga too.
That was awesome, plain and simple. and did they mention Yahtzee in there as well.
Did anyone else notice the South Park WoW clip.
Nah, there is no need to worry. I view this as a life well lived up until Xbox Live.
DANG IT ID! I logged in many times last night! I wanted to make a comment on this epic video, BUT NO! I COULD NOT MAKE A COMMENT HERE COULD I!?
well my comment is ruined, so ill just say this is an awesome nostalgia trip, and loved the song remix. (/=_=)/ *throws arms up*
This video makes me happy for so many reasons!
I'm not sure if I cried more tears of joy at the end with G-Man's quote or at the part where Jack Thompson got disbarred. Also, the nostalgia hit hard with Conker.
I literally loled during the World of Warcraft ruining lives part.
I have lived through almost all of the game systems, despite being born in 1990.
I still have a top-loading NES (With the Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt/Olympic Track Meet, Gold-Cartridge Legend of Zelda, Kirby's Adventures in Dream Land, and the TMNT Console game, with a few other cartridges in a giant box somewhere)
Even though I have not owned them myself, I have witness the glory of the SNES and its various Looney Tunes games, brief moments with Starfox, and Super Mario Land. I also have used the Nintendo 64 and Legend of Zelda: Oricana of Time, Pokemon Stadium (1 and 2) and Snap, and Kirby and Mario 64.
My first "big gaming" consoles, prior to the release of the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3, were the PS2 and Game Cube. For those, I have witnessed the beauty of Pokemon Colusseum, Super Mario Sunshine, Guitar Heroes 1-Aerosmith, Call of Duty: Finest Hour, Final Fantasy 12, the Kingdom Hearts series, and various Simpsons games, including Hit and Run, not to mention Activision and Treyarch's first video game series-Spider Man.
As far as portable games go, I have been a witness to the rise of the Pokemon Empire.
Not to mention that "We Didn't Start The Fire" is one of my favorite Billy Joel songs.
I have nothing further to say about this epic song. *sheds single, manly tear*
They didn't mention the psp.