“Straight outta BLU Base is a crazy motha fuckin’ sniper
Kill you faster then a windshield wiper
Kill you with a Huntsman or his sniper gun
Challenge him to a duel? boom He won
Or he’ll hit you with his Tribalsman Shiv
Now you’re bleeding, not long to live”
Screenshot and caption by DavidTrippy, lyrics by PantsAreOptional

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Categories: PC, Playstation, Strike A Pose, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 67 Comments ![]() |
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Killed by Gozer? Where's Bill Murray when you need him?
Blu sideee!
*smacks sniper*
Rap is not music, and being "gangsta" its indecency.
Grow up and be a gentleman, Until then stay in your corner and think of what you have done.
I like the whole 'hold an arrow with my pinky while doing the old Californian surfing hand sign' thing going on here.
After Shawn had already conjured up a rap based off of this post, the Halolz community was in a panic of what to comment, so to receive their precious +1's.
I don't think the sniper has realized that he has an arrow through his finger.
I'm going to gut you…*gets huntsman'd*
Like a cornish game hen.
*Sniper goes flying*
*Dead ringer runs out*
What? You didn't REALLY think he killed me did you?
<img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/OffTheWall45/mspa/sniperdave-1.png" target="_blank" >=">
he was just being ironic
I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an Australian rapper.
What would the difference be? One is a sweet gig, and the other's mental sickness!
Straight outta BLU base!
Another crazy ass BLU Heavy.
More cowards I kill, yo, my rep gets bigger.
I'm a unstoppable killing machine and you know this.
I don't know what's worse; that you got killed by THAT, or that it will take 11 seconds to respawn.
Jessus Christ, what's next, Gangsta Nigga Demonpimp?
I think the Pyro in the background is trying to take up a second job as a janitor.
This is why Australia isn't able to have internet… because stuff like THIS happens when they do.
Not even mildly surprised at the amount of rap/hip-hop bashing in these comments.
the joke is that he is being ironic
^ this was supposed to be in my original comment
but it was not there, so now i am sssssSSSSSSSSSSSAD D:
wtf is this? no really, can someone explain to me what i'm missing here?
Haters gonna hate, mate.
THEN DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…. I'm not the only one who noticed the name was Gozer was I?
He looks more like Red Green than a gangster.
Strait Up Gangsta!
He is not crazy…….hes keeping his mojo on, kthxbye.
No mum its a gang not a mental sickness
As long as there are 2 people on the world some haters gonna hate
Is it just me or does that clock in the background look kinda like an archery target?
Oh, spirits. It's Compton Ass Terry's cousin: Sidney Ass Sniper!
I imagine somone beatboxing and the Sniper yelling “Jarate!” at regular intervals in the background.
u gaiz r kewl
I imagine the Sniper beatboxing and yelling "Jarate!" in the background to this.
ok. who deleted my comment. and why are there only two on this page?
Killer Bee?(Naruto character)
Straight outta RED is a hellbent Engie,
Got a plan for erectin' a Sentry.
He solves problems, you're one of 'em, son
Just for you, he'll break out more gun.
Part of me Sincerely hopes that Pyro behind him is a Spy.
The other part of me slaps the previous one, because that's obviously their spawn room.
Part of me wishes that Pyro behind him was a Spy.
The other part of me slapped the first one, because that's obviously their spawn.