I mean, you could have AT LEAST put Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander in there… they’re sitting RIGHT THERE on the table!
By Darth_Destro

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Categories: Advice Meme, Irony, Nintendo, Pokémon ![]() · Leave a comment () 80 Comments ![]() |
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And you just KNOW his grandson has like 2500 entries in his.
Well of course it's empty; Oak hardly ever goes outside!
Well, he never said what he was researching about Pokemon.
*Waggles eyebrows*
Red: Prof. Oak, what exactly are you a professor of?
Oak: Political Science.
This would explain everything
And why the hell not? He's getting his job done for him for free using child labor and calling it a "pokemon journey", and all it costs him are a pokemon and a pokedex. What's in it for you, you ask? Well besides those things you do essentially turn into the most devestatingly unstoppable force in the world by the end of your journey, hell, the universe depending on whether or not you caught Dialga or Palkia.
Looks like Alzheimer's has finally caught up to Prof. Oak.
Honestly, I think the whole fill the pokedex quest is actually a trick on the researcher's part to get the young trainers to form a strong and diverse team of pokemon. Some of the tidbits of information you get when you catch a pokemon sound like something a researcher would spend a long time observing.
Oh no the pokedex is empty?!
*Full pokedex* http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/13/75378-…
Problem Oak?
it's empty… yet it knows EVERYTHING about a pokemon once it is caught… FUCKING POKEDEXES, HOW DO THEY WORK?
It's a pretty clever plan to have some alone time with your single mother.
I mean, mothers must be worried sick about their child who hasn't come home for umteen days
and the 3 pokemon on his desk that he's raised for so many years? yeah they're still on level 1
Is it wrong to picture Professor Oak as Quagmire from Family Guy now?
His Pornodex, on the other hand, is completely full.
You want to know why it is empty? Because you aren't Gary Motherfucking Oak!
Oak: Now if you hit that button, all of your personal data shows up along with private facts.
Ash: Ooo awesome! so it did that automatically when i touched it??
Oak: What kind of estrange world do you think we.. i mean yes. that technology totally exists.
What's that? You filled up the entire Pokedex? Good job! Now do it again three times!
Wait what? Fifth generation! Make that once more!
What? You finished the Pokedex of all five generations? Hooray! Now take this certificate! I'll just nab all the credit for it.
Hmm I wonder who took the other pokedex with all the entries in….oh wait, could it be…….?
GODDAMN GARY MOTHERF***ING OAK!!!!!1!!!111111one!
Oak: Oh, and is your mom still single?
The pokedex knows about every pokemon though, maybe it's just more of a challenge…
3.5- Ask them what the name of his own grandson is.
It's not Oak's own personal pokedex he hands out to young trainers starting their journey, he gives out brand new pokedexes. Oak may very well (though probably doesn't) have a pokedex stuffed full of lovely pokemon info…but there's no fun in handing a systematic analysis of every pokemon discovered, including different forms and location, to young, upcoming, nubile trainer now is there?
in this sense, Professor Oak is more villainous than Dou- I mean Gary (Motherfucking) Oak is. It was a terrific cover up; but the secret has been revealed
Hrm… the Troll/Fonz look does seem right, but the expression does make me think of "I like where this is going." in Quagmire's voice.
Someone should try to imprison this guy because of that face….where's the interpol when you need them.
Am I hilarious yet?
Get Pokédex: Realize it runs on AA batteries.
There's only one Samuel Oak.
Where have I heard this description before oh right, EVERY POKEMON GAME! Good job professor its classic!
People really think it's empty rather than just unlocking available infos on new ecounters for added motivation?
Then again as a not-fan I can't recall what it says when a new species shows up… This way or the other we can surely agree that Integrity has no meaning to the developers of this franchise…
AKA Im an asshole. Deal with it
Pokemon: A summary
Turn on game and begin for the first time.
Get stupid speech from the professor that never tells you anything diffrent.
Insert wrong time and find out you cant change it later.
Meet your own mother.
Try to leave town but get stopped because there are dangerous birds and rats out there and it's dangerous to go alone.
Get starter from professor.
Rival gets better one.
Spend rest of game gathering information about pokemon everyone already knows about even though the information should already be in your pokedex. It is the latest technology pokemon encyclopedia after all.
Defeat the Elite four and the champion and become a pokemon master. Wow, that wasnt hard. What the hell has Ash been doign all this time?
Three years later, repeat the process as someone else in a diffrent country that you didnt know existed, even though they are perfectly aware of your old region and it's pokemon.