I never could say no to a fellow gentleman. You may come in good sir, as long as you can avoid spontaneously combusting in my domicile!
By kelwyn

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Categories: Gentlemen, It's A Trap!, Minecraft, PC ![]() · Leave a comment () 46 Comments ![]() |
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Nonsense, this fella looks like a respectable and outgoing indidvidual.
Why, yes, my good sir! The best part is that the walls are reinforced with obsidian!
Your submission requires a portrait of a certain admiral of the fleet garbed in the most gentlemanly of attire if I do say so myself.
I see someone is catching on to the trend of being verbosSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSe.
I would advise you to deny the entry of the esteemed personage that is standing outside your abode for it is very likely that said personage will likely take advantage and once it enters the place on which you live he will most certainly perform an explosive act of treachery.
yet another post where i am underdressed for i lack the required e-peen to don the appropriate attire
This fine portrayal of a gentleman may in fact be an unsavory character specializing in subterfuge.
That's a very nice house you've got… it would be a real shame if someone were to… light a fusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse next to it…
Change "Old Chap" to "Young Lady" and then add "May I come in?"
Now you've got both definitions of creeper.
rel="nofollow">*Soft repetition of the 6th letter of the alphabet for approximately six to twelve seconds in sequence followed by a crescendo such as would lead onward and into a rambunctious swathe of letters of the 21st in the ordering of the alphabetical method, raised to volumes of a obnoxious level whilst screwing up ones face into a vast and wrinkled effigy of misery, loathing and general constipated discomfort*
-Insert verbose joke here-
I want to play on the Halolz Minecraft server again, but it hasn't let me connect since the Halloween update. :(
Good evening. My name is Ervin Von Creep. I must say, your house isssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssimply sssssssssssssssssssssssssssublime, and I must know who your decorator wassssssssssssssssssss.
And that is why all houses should have a sizeable lava moat. As other creepers might not be as gentlemenly (grammer hammer in 3,2,1)
I do believe that they decided to sell themselves out
My my my! I was instructed upon my arrival in this world that we would be excavating the earth in the company of Gentlemen!
I do love this housssssssssssse my good man but I believe that I just combusted
*sigh* If not for my poorly established sum of currency, for I would understand the rambunctious humor poised in this quaint joke of combustive gentlemen, by purchasing the aforementioned game.
Pardon me sir, but what is that protruding out of your cranium?
many thanks, kind sir, for now I do beleive I might reconsider this man entry into my abode. for if he is quite the madman you have told, then all might be lost in my efforts to house him.
Shall we prepare the top hat and monocle party?