Yes, I am FINALLY posting the details on this years Halolz pumpkin carving contest!
No I didn’t forget about it! I’ve just been dragging my feet! :O
Anyway for those unfamiliar with it, this is our third annual “Halolzween Pumpkin Carving Contest” which is a chance for you Halolz submitters to get your hands dirty and see who can come up with the most creative, detailed and original video game themed Halloween pumpkins!
If you think you have what it takes to make a kick-ass video game Halloween pumpkin (and want to receive some fabulous prizes) read on!
Like previous years, our theme for this pumpkin carving/decorating contest is anything video game related! However this year instead of having 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, etc… we will be awarding a grand prize in three different categories:
Most Creative (the most interesting and original, a totally unexpected idea!)
Most Detailed (the most artistic, complex or technically difficult to pull off)
Most Humorous (milk comes out of our noses)
We will also be giving out quite a few runner-up prizes to all the highest rated entries based off of our scoring system!
How to enter:
Step 1: Create an amazing video game themed Halloween pumpkin. There is really no limit to what you can do, as long as there’s a pumpkin in there somewhere!
Step 2: Hand write or print out a sign that says “Halolz.com” to place next to the entry for at least one of the photos that you send in (so that we know that your entry is original and not stolen off the web).
Step 3: Take at least one digital photo (however the more the better, and usually at least one with lights on and on with lights off is a good idea) and email it to halolzween[at]halolz.com. Be sure to include a title for your pumpkin and your real name or nickname that you want shown with your entry on the site.
Step 4: All entries must be received by 11pm EST on Oct 30th. (Winners will be announced on the 31st).
Additional rules and tips:
• If you send in multiple photos of your work we will post the ones we think look best.
• All entries MUST have at least one photo showing a Halolz.com sign to prevent cheating. There are many video game pumpkin pictures already out there on the internet and if you do not follow this rule we have to assume the pumpkin is not your own work.
• Entries that use a pre-made carving template (like the ones Scott gives out every year) will be accepted, but the odds of you actually winning anything will be extremely low.
• Non-video game themed pumpkins will be accepted into the gallery but they are ineligible to win.
• You may enter as many pumpkins as you want!
• Other fruits and vegetables are permissible as entries if used creatively.
And as you might have guessed, all our prizes are once again stuff from our Ninja-Bot store page!
Grand Prize Winners:
• (4) Ninja-Bot T-Shirts of Your Choice
• (1) Starfox Coffee Mug (new product not in the store yet!)
• (1) Halolz.com 2010 Poster (new product not in the store yet!)
• (1) Mystery Pin Set
(OVER $95 VALUE! )
Runner-Up Prize Winners:
• (1) Ninja-Bot T-Shirt of Your Choice
• (1) Mystery Pin Set
I think that covers everything. If any new rules or tips need to be added I will update this post until the end of the contest.
Oh and if you would like to see some of the entries from previous years… just use the tag Haloween!
Good luck! And if you have any specific questions that aren’t answered in the comments, you can email them to halolzween[at]halolz.com!

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Categories: Contests, Halloween, Holidays, News ![]() · Leave a comment () 35 Comments ![]() |
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In soviet russia, pumpkins mutilate you.
You know, up until last year's entries, I thought I had a shot at winning this stuff. Now, I think I'll just sit this one out…
Well, here's hoping the guy who made Mother Brain and Samus enters again. I want to see what else he makes…
Wait…who are the judges? Maybe we can appeal to the judges if we do something that they made/like!
Found a blocky pumpkin? Its Creeper time!
The guys that won the past 2 years always come with an awesome desing, can't wait for this year's
Now to find a pumpkin. Maybe this year I won't spend an hour carving with a shitty carving tool.
Weren't you suppose to post this contest like a MONTH before Halloween to give people lot's of time to work on?
Too bad we can't carve watermelons. I mean seriously, look at this masterpiece! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_3FTO6EjRbe4/Sp7MI_i2-lI… (Forgot how to shorten links @_@)
Actually, I--
Only one thing to do after this is over, make some pumpkin pie!
Pie makes everything better!
LOL The Sipmsons reference.
Wow. Halolz has been running for over 3 years, and I was there since the start (got linked by VGcats, which since, had only like 5 new comics)
I feel like it's been a few months, a year max, but THREE YEARS?
Time sure flies…
alas i have the artistic skills of a rampardos due to my tiny arms *tear*
Lets see, there'll be at least 3-5 Creeper submission so that cancels mine out, even if I was going to attempt a full body. There will be at least one Cpt. Falcon, a TF2 themed pumpkin here or there, some to do with Halo Reach, etc…Oh, what shall I carve I wonder?