An amazing mod by Populus89! Only one technical error… the Soldier would never use a shield! (He is 100% offense!)
Posted by Shawn Handyside on March 3, 2010 · 11:18 AM |
Categories: Fashion Faux Pas, Haxorz, PC, Shields Up, Swordplay, Team Fortress 2, Valve Software · Leave a comment () 72 Comments |
Great, another sword and shield wielding bastard.
Et tu, Spy?
Ah yes, but the Greeks have Hercules and the Demoman.
Et tu? Demo?
If Jupiter had wanted you to live, he would not have created ME!
No, you're thinking of the Spartans and Persians.
Persians: Persian carpet? Good idea!
Vos es totus MAGGOTS!
Vos es totus pedes VOMIT!
Impossible… The Soldier hates just about every other nation that isn't the good 'ol U.S of A.
Now a proper Braveheart costume for the Demo and let's start the war anew.
After the end of the battles between RED and BLU teams, the Soldier apparently planned to spend his time Roman around for other battles to fight.
…ARGH! Why does that keep happenning?!
Then, he used his money to hire two of every class on earth. And then he herded them onto a large wooden horse. And then they beat the crap out of every single Trojan.
Hey Soldier! It is me! Your cousin Roman!
"That Brutus is a Spy!"
"That Spy is a Christian!"
And every time a bunch of black Scottish cyclops are in one place, it's called A WAR!
I have a massive imposible to pierce attack formation and the entire roman empire, your argument is invalid
-Gives the Soldier the thumbs-up- ((To help those of you who may not understand this, in ancient Rome, giving the thumbs-up means "Kill your opponent", not "Spare them" as Hollywood normally shows))
I'm sure a Castlevania quote can fit somewhere here…
"But Enough talk! Have at you!"
someone should find this guy and tell him to post this on the new steam workshop
Two words. SHIELD BASH.